The Forbidden Interview

An historic interview

Tucker Carlson believes in free speech. He also believes that most Americans have been lied to by its government and the mainstream media, mostly by omission. He took a chance, probably one of the biggest in his life, to do what he felt was right: Travel to Russia and interview its president. Globalist and American powers-that-be, are having a conniption over this interview because it steps outside their controlled narrative. The American people owe it to themselves to at least watch the interview and make up their own minds. After all, they’re adults. They also owe it fellow citizens as well. Our future may depend upon it.

Opinion: Having seen the interview, I ran it past Dr. Peter Canaday, who speaks fluent Russian and whose wife is Ukrainian, and prior to the war, had been going to the Ukraine on a yearly basis. So they know the situation. He says Putin’s version of history is conveniently tilted to the Russian perspective, and is not accurate to what the Ukrainian people as a whole see things. More on this later, as I’ll reach out to Peter to see if we can get an interview with wife and him on this subject.

Further, in honour of being cautious, here’s a good post from the Guardian explaining what Whitney Webb warns us about: Watch what they do, not what they say. Although Tucker is convincing, especially in his live speeches.

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