Posts Tagged ‘Mountain Spirit’

The Forbidden Interview

An historic interview

Tucker Carlson believes in free speech. He also believes that most Americans have been lied to by its government and the mainstream media, mostly by omission. He took a chance, probably one of the biggest in his life, to do what he felt was right: Travel to Russia and interview its president. Globalist and American powers-that-be, are having a conniption over this interview because it steps outside their controlled narrative. The American people owe it to themselves to at least watch the interview and make up their own minds. After all, they’re adults. They also owe it fellow citizens as well. Our future may depend upon it.

Opinion: Having seen the interview, I ran it past Dr. Peter Canaday, who speaks fluent Russian and whose wife is Ukrainian, and prior to the war, had been going to the Ukraine on a yearly basis. So they know the situation. He says Putin’s version of history is conveniently tilted to the Russian perspective, and is not accurate to what the Ukrainian people as a whole see things. More on this later, as I’ll reach out to Peter to see if we can get an interview with wife and him on this subject.

Further, in honour of being cautious, here’s a good post from the Guardian explaining what Whitney Webb warns us about: Watch what they do, not what they say. Although Tucker is convincing, especially in his live speeches.

Tucker Interviews Putin


The question you should be asking yourself is, “Will I watch this interview with an open mind?”, not “Is Tucker Carlson a traitor?” The media wants you to think he’s a traitor, but as you might have the feeling in your gut, that something’s note quite right in the country, and the world, that we’re at this turning point, you might want to listen to the interview to hear what the US govt, and it’s media are not telling you. 

“We’re in Moscow to interview Putin”

Here’s the transcript of the video above

“We’re in Moscow tonight. We’re here to interview the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. We’ll be doing that soon. There are risks to conducting an interview like this, obviously. So we’ve thought about it carefully over many months. Here’s why we’re doing it. First, because it’s our job. We’re in journalism. Our duty is to inform people. Two years into a war that’s reshaping the entire world, most Americans are not informed. They have no real idea what’s happening in this region, here in Russia or 600 miles away in Ukraine. But they should know, they’re paying for much of it in ways they might not fully yet perceive. The war in Ukraine is a human disaster. It’s left hundreds of thousands of people dead. An entire generation of young Ukrainians. And has depopulated the largest country in Europe. But the long-term effects are even more profound. This war has utterly reshaped the global military and trade alliances, and the sanctions that followed have as well. And in total, they have upended the world economy. The post-World War 2 economic order, the system that guaranteed prosperity in the West for more than 80 years, is coming apart very fast, and along with it, the dominance of the US dollar. These are not small changes. They are history altering developments. They will define the lives of our grandchildren. Most of the world understands this perfectly well. They can see it. Ask anyone in Asia or the Middle East what the future looks like. And yet the populations of the English-speaking countries seem mostly unaware. They think that nothing has really changed. And they think that because no one has told them the truth. Their media outlets are corrupt. They lie to their readers and viewers, and they do that mostly by omission. For example, since the day the war in Ukraine began, American media outlets have spoken to scores of people from Ukraine, and they’ve done scores of interviews with Ukrainian President Zelensky. We ourselves have put in a request for an interview with Zelensky. We hope he accepts. But the interviews he’s already done in the United States are not traditional interviews. They are fawning pep sessions, specifically designed to amplify Zelensky’s demand that the U.S. enter more deeply into a war in Eastern Europe and pay for it. That is not journalism. It is government propaganda, propaganda of the ugliest kind, the kind that kills people. At the same time, our politicians and media outlets have been doing this, promoting a foreign leader like he’s a new consumer brand, not a single Western journalist has bothered to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict, Vladimir Putin. Most Americans have no idea why Putin invaded Ukraine, or what his goals are now. They’ve never heard his voice. That’s wrong. Americans have a right to know all they can about a war they’re implicated in, and we have the right to tell them about it because we are Americans, too. Freedom of speech is our birthright. We were born with the right to say what we believe. That right cannot be taken away no matter who is in the White House. But they’re trying anyway. Almost three years ago, the Biden administration illegally spied on our text messages and then leaked the contents to their servants in the news media. They did this in order to stop a Putin interview that we were planning. Last month, we’re pretty certain they did exactly the same thing once again, but this time we came to Moscow anyway. We are not here because we love Vladimir Putin. We are here because we love the United States. And we want it to remain prosperous and free. We paid for this trip ourselves. We took no money from any government or group, nor are we charging people to see the interview. It is not behind a paywall. Anyone can watch the entire thing shot live to tape and unedited on our website, Elon Musk, to his great credit, has promised not to suppress or block this interview once we posted on his platform X, and we’re grateful for that. Western governments, by contrast, will certainly do their best to censor this video on other, less-principled platforms, because that’s what they do. They are afraid of information they can’t control. But you have no reason to be afraid of it. We are not encouraging you to agree with what Putin may say in this interview, but we are urging you to watch it. You should know as much as you can. And then, like a free citizen and not a slave, you can decide for yourself. Thanks.”

Leadership & Staying in the Light


Penny Marie, (NZ)more than a “content provider”. She’s a strong women with a tempered steel forged by challenges, based in New Zealand. She comes from a communications and marketing background but has turned to use her talents not only in posting some amazing blogs, but starting an important initiative called Let Kids Be Kids. She’s passionate about truth-telling but in a centered heart-space way with no compromise. Her words of wisdom help remind us to stay compassionate in a troubling world of divergent paradigms. Only through love will change for the better happen. I particularly love a couple of her statements in this interview, One simple truth is “someone’s entry point to the truth can be from most any topic, and secondly, not to be judgmental of our fellow human beings. She was recently interviewed on the Jim Ferguson Show (UK). She’s a woman with vision born of this historic time.

Penny Marie interview w/Jim Ferguson

Reuniting and Healing: Overcoming Family Divisions in the Wake of Vaccine Mandates

It was a profound and stirring moment to engage in a deep conversation with Penny Marie from New Zealand, a passionate voice associated with the United Free Press. Our discussion unveiled the alarming issues plaguing mainstream media – their complicity in masking corruption and their blatant disregard for the truth. Read the rest of this story and go to the interview here:

NZ Whistleblower Case: NZDSOS* Response to MOH Data Release




New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science has been calling out the increasing numbers of post jab deaths for nearly three years since the roll out began. We have calculated

Read the rest of the story here:

*About NZDSOS, Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Our group of doctors formed around an open letter to the New Zealand Government that expressed our concerns about the Pfizer Comirnaty Covid-19 injection, as well as the implication from our regulatory bodies that we would be considered incompetent in our duties if we provided fully informed consent about this procedure.

NZDSOS is now made up of Doctors, Dentists, Pharmacists and Vets. We have formed alliances with other groups both locally and internationally.

NZ’s Counterspin Media Team Host the AJ Show Today


Hats off to both Kelvyn Alp and Hannah Spierer for sharing New Zealand’s year in review on the worldwide broadcast of the Alex Jones Show. The couple hosted the fourth hour of the show today, highlighting some of the more important events of the past year. This is important because Jones’ show reaches millions, and by sharing the antics here in NZ during the past year, the word gets out, and the NZ government, and Jacinda Adhern in particular, hate that.

I’ve been listening to Mr. Jones for years, on shortwave radio, before he was streaming on the internet. So it’s a full circle having our own Kelvyn and Hannah on the show, surreal in fact. The truth is getting harder to suppress – we’re living in interesting times! I’m fond of saying, often attributed to Mark Twain, “A lie gets half way around the world before truth has time to put its pants on.” But we’re catching up.

You can listen here on this ad-free audio file. And don’t forget to share.

Down the Carrot Hole


David Trood, a world-class photographer was shut down during lockdown. All his work was based on taking flights worldwide. He was forced to rethink his life, and his role in relation to the mother earth. Here is a trailer to his story.

David Trood is a prize-winning travel and commercial photographer who pushes the boundaries of visual storytelling with his passionate narrative of people and nature.

He is a Hasselblad Master, and for almost three decades David has successfully completed thousands of editorial, corporate, and commercial assignments in over 40 countries.

David was born in Queensland and is now based in Australia and Denmark. He is a valued contributer at Getty Images and takes on freelance still and video assignments all over the world.

You can find out a bit more about David’s work on his YouTube channel here and at his website

Why We Drove to Wellington


“In 2022-22 the New Zealand government enacted emergency laws, mandates, and a medical passport system that caused thousands of New Zealanders to lose jobs, businesses, homes and health.   When those people protested, they were ignored b their own government and media and demonized by their representatives as “a river of filth”. This is their story in their own words.”
So reads the opening frame in a new documentary, We Came Here for Freedom, Part 1 released three weeks ago by Henna Gaijin Studio, in association with Chantelle Baker’s Operation People ..

The Convoy to Wellington was a spontaneous mass movement driven by the desire for truth fairness, freedom and to be heard by the NZ Government. This documentary puts you there, and gives you the reasons why we went to Wellington, pure and simple. Click on the image to below to watch now, or go to While I’m mentioning the website, if you’re taken by what you see below, and want to help fund Part 2, you can make a donation here.

A must-see important documentary to see what the mainstream media won’t tell you about the Wellington Protest addressing Government overreach.

Editor’s note:
Watching this was an emotional trip back to February earlier this year, when my wife and 11 yr old son joined the convoy here on New Zealand’s South Island. We started with 8 cars from the Upper Clutha and joined the main convoy coming from Invercargill, New Zealand’s southernmost point. We met at Timaru and continued on, capturing footage all along the way. We spontaneously kept driving as the convoy grew. We got on the ferry in Picton, and made our way to the first day of the protest on Parliament Grounds in Wellington.
I had been a photographer for United Press International in the states, and when I saw this was going to be an historic peaceful sit-in, I knew I had to report what I saw. For a brief moment I had the absurd thought to call UPI and see if they’d like me to cover this. Then, in the next moment, it dawned on me, they would never want what I was going to report. They had their narrative, and my reporting would disrupt that. So rather than having a raft of camera’s around my neck, I hauled out my mobile phone, gathered up what battery packs I had, and got to work. I covered much of what you seen in this documentary until the typhoon hit. On that day, we decided the best plan for the family was to leave and I’d possibly return alone. The hour we were leaving, the many images, interviews and other footage I had taken was strangely removed from my Telegram feed. At the same time my phone would no longer take a charge. I was interviewing people right up to the hour I left, but my phone finally died right then and there. Interesting timing. When I took the SD Card out of the phone to copy it onto my computer, I discovered all the files and data had been encrypted, (which I never do), and the only way to decrypt it was to fire up the phone, that now had no way to charge up. Fortunately, a local IT repair shop, here in Wanaka was able to track down enough used batteries, that we could not retrieve my material. I plan on re-posting all that was remotely date-wiped off my phone. I’m now convinced, from hearing similar stories, that the government nefariously zeroed in on my MAC address shortly before I left the Parliament Grounds and wiped my interviews and images. I’m in the process of re-posting my material, on more than one platform this time around. Please see my other posts, as they become available and the ones that are already on this and our other platforms.

Back to this film – It’s an important statement of what really happened. If you’re ready to handle the truth, and prepared to question the mainstream media, you will find this an eye-opener.
I was playing a song I’d written on the guitar called Voices, today on Christmas Day, and got choked up, and had to start again. The reason was, I had seen this film last night, and it brought back all the memories of 10th February, 2022, of seeing how peaceful everyday people who just wanted the government to address their grievances, and how the media twisted, (and in some cases orchestrated) to the opposite of what really happened in Wellington. We’d see and experience one thing, and the media would report something completely opposite on the evening news. That alone is enough to condemn “the machine”, especially when the thousands who were there, go back and tell their friends and family their eye-witness accounts of what really happened. It’s game over.

Elon Musk and The Twitter Releases


Who really knows about ol’ Elon. What’s inside his head, I mean. But this is looking very promising:

This is What Truth Looks Like


From; Reignite Freedom, by Monica Smit

This is Senator Gerard Rennick from Australia. He’s addressing the Australian government.  One can feel the convinctio and passion in his voice. This is what truth looks like. He knows every word, number, and fact like the back of his hand…

Senator Gerard Rennick

These are the types of people we have fighting alongside us, and we, who are working to get the truth out, are proud to be on the same side of history with people like this.

Is wearing a mask passé?

Queenstown, NZ , where are all the masks?