Posts Tagged ‘Government Overreach’

New Book about Wellington Protest Tells What Really Happened on Parliament Grounds


Freedom Village, The story of the 2022 New Zealand Convoy and Freedom Village Camp at Parliament Grounds

Freedom Village is a new book by Sue Grey and Alan Simmons. It’s the people’s story of the “controversial” 2022 occupation of the New Zealand Parliament grounds. It’s a confronting story of hope, courage, collaboration and determination in the face of abuse of state power.

Grey says of the people who contributed their stories to the book that “The story was in them, and they wanted to get it out to the the public. Creating the book was similar to the energy that was present at the protest, very inspiring.” Grey adding, “Now it’s time to get the story told. I thought I knew the story because I was there, but now I have a fuller picture of what happened, as told from other’s perspectives and experiences who were there.”

People united to reclaim freedoms from government overreach. They soon learned that the real battle line was for control of information, and for the public mind and mood.
The authors were there from the beginning and record this historic event revealing shocking information many would prefer to remain hidden.

This book is a historic record of the 23-day protest camp, and has information, hidden from the public. This publication goes hand-in-hand with other excellent projects in New Zealand, such the films River of Freedom, and We Came here for Freedom, which expose the truth of what really happened at the protest against government overreach and media manipulation at the behest of powerful forces. Much of the untold story would have remained hidden without the startling revelations in this book.

From the book’s website:
“Each generation needs a war, or a Woodstock, to remind us of what it is to be human, the magic of people power and the rewards of finding the courage to step up for humanity. Our Woodstock was the Freedom Village at New Zealand’s Parliament grounds in Wellington for 23 days starting 8 February 2022″.

“Perhaps our most important role is to sprinkle seeds of inspiration, hope, courage, aroha [love] and unity

About the Authors

Sue Grey is a self-employed lawyer who specialises in complex emerging issues. She is also co-leader of NZ Outdoors and Freedom Party and one of New Zealand’s freedom heroes.
Sue has a double major in Biochemistry and Microbiology and RSHDipPHI. Her first career was as a Health Protection Officer where she worked for central government included investigating infectious diseases and contact tracing – perfect training for her to spot the many red flags with the unorthodox Covid response


Alan Simmons lives in Turangi, NZ, and for the last 50 years worked as a full time fishing and hunting guide. The Covid response put an end to international travel and clients and in 2022 he was forced to retire by police thuggery when his hip was fractured in a police action while he was standing on a street corner filming.

Sue suggests you and others request your local library to have their it on their shelves. Or one can donate to their library. Also mention it to your local bookseller.

You can purchase the book here.

Here’s what filmmaker & journalist Alistair Harding (We Came Here for Freedom) has to say about the book:
Sue and Alan have created a book that will be worthy of the very Kiwi descriptor: ‘Taonga’, for our nation’s history.   This book is a treasure because it is a first-hand account in the absence of any true journalism of the time. And so one day this story will be the source material that historians will turn to. Where they will find a vast difference between the voices of the people who were there and the narrative spun by a news media that mostly appeared incapable of any empathy for their fellow New Zealanders who had had their lives destroyed by the vaccine mandates.

Tucker Carlson Interviews Trudeau’s Brother


Few people know Justin Trudeau better than his own brother. Here’s what he, Kyle Kemper, says about him.

From the interview transcript:
“Most people in Western countries and the United States and Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, etc., most people who lived in those countries two years ago got the Covid vaccine. That’s just a fact. And maybe because of that fact, very few people want to talk about what that was, not just what the vaccine itself was and what it may do to the human body and the human brain. Those are worthy conversations, important conversation, necessary conversations, ignored conversations. But the bigger conversation is why were governments across the West pulling out all stops to force people to take this compound that they called a vaccine? What was this and what did we learn about the motives and the aims of those governments by their behavior around the vaccine? What did we learn?”

You can see the full interview here:


In Your Face 5G


The once small town of Wanaka, NZ has a new 5g tower today. Although it’s not been advertised, they rolled out 5G throughout the South Island a few years ago. Nevertheless it was  a shock to see the new health-corroding tower being erected smack in front of a popular cafe, corner store, restaurant and pub complex

When I approached the workers asking them if it was indeed 5G technology, they confirmed it was.  I then queried, “Do you guys know that these towers create health problems?” Their response was, “Hey mate, we’re just doing our job. It’s not our decision”.  Does that sound familiar? What era comes to mind?

This tower is massive, with tons of technology aboard. There also happens to be additional technology installed just down the road, on street lights: real-time CCTV, and heat sensoring monitors in the name of safety (fire). It sure feels good to be safe, doesn’t it?

Hi Tech for your safety and convenience, but not your health.
The nearby cafe will certainly have “roasted” coffee from now on.

This sort of construction, right in the midst of a highly populated and active area of town is completely diabolical. I’ll admit I’m not informed on the decision making process on how these things come to be, but it’s madness. There are crazies at the helm of a ship of fools.  Just don’t eat the food at Albert Town anymore, it will be “over-cooked”.

Vaccination Centres “Did Well” During Covid


This list, a result of of an OIA request, is a partial list of clinics, medical centres and pharmacies nationwide in New Zealand who were paid out for their services. Since I live in Otago on the New Zealand’s South Island, I’ve highlighted some, but not all of the more prominent centres, and their payouts for administering the injection. It looks like it paid very well.

This Is Important: Two Sharp Minds Discuss Reality


By Randall Richards
If you’re still trying to figure out whether you’ve been fooled by the powers that be, or, you don’t want to know, then you owe it to yourself to watch this interview. Put aside your preconceptions of Tucker Carlson, and Russell Brand. Step outside your normal narrative, your normal media box, and consider what these two sharp minds are discussing. You just may come away with a broader perspective, an awakened world view. I’m sorry to say, you’ve been fooled, and lied to. As hard as it is to believe, I ask that you consider the possibility that the government does not have your best interest in mind.

Recently I’ve encountered a few people in my day that have been know-it-alls. They simply can’t understand how anyone could think reality is other than the way they perceive it. In short, anyone who thinks Trump did anything good, is a nut job. While I wouldn’t want to spend a weekend with him, and frankly will be voting for RFK Jr, not Trump, Orange Man is not bad. He’s strange, but it’s almost beside the point what my view of Trump is. I’m probably ideologically a liberal at heart, but that train left the station a long time ago. The left is unrecognizable now to what it once was. RFJ Jr will tell you that.
So I ask again, take off the blinders. I’d rather wear a tinfoil hat, (metaphor) than blinders. Good luck with your journey, and if you have questions, I’ll be here for you.

River of Freedom Documentary Goes Online


River of Freedom, directed by Gaylene Barnes, has made quite a showing here in New Zealand despite attempts of the film being sidelined by the mainstream press. The team has done a remarkable job getting the films in theatres throughout the country opening to big sold-out audiences in towns large and small. The music in the film features many New Zealand musicians as well as Eric Clapton. My hat’s off to Gaylene and her team. I received this email announcement this morning and thought I’d share it directly:

– – –

We’re so pleased with the success of RIVER OF FREEDOM, which screened in 54 New Zealand cinemas over the past 10 weeks. The feedback has been wonderful! 🥰

If you have been following our social media, you will have noticed that we’ve been inundated with requests from people, here and abroad, wanting to watch the film at home – “Probably the best documentary I’ve ever seen. Very well made and every kiwi should watch it. And yes to buying it digitally or DVD so can play it to family and friends.”

Well, we have an exciting announcement to share…
🎙️ We have an online distributor!!
Journeyman Pictures, a UK-based film distribution company, will be releasing our film online worldwide. Journeyman looks for “the best in factual production”, priding themselves on their collection of films from “award-winning independent filmmakers”.
You and your whānau everywhere can stream
RIVER OF FREEDOM online from mid-December!!!
For more than two decades, Journeyman Pictures have distributed provocative, profound and original factual content, working with the top players in the industry. They pride themselves on the longevity of the documentaries they distribute. We are thrilled to align with this supportive distribution company! They have almost 2.3 million followers, so our reach will be massive. We are encouraged and excited to bring our story of the New Zealand Convoy and Parliament protest to the rest of the world in a few weeks.

From cinemas to online release…
Just to give you a bit of an idea about why it’s taking so long… The Captions take time to transcribe. Lots of time – there’s almost FOUR THOUSAND of them 😵‍💫 with some captions needing translation for our international audience. Kia ora whānau, haere mai, and kotahitanga are just a few! We need to capture all the details for our deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences – cheers, boos, and don’t forget all that honking! Don’t get us started on the rest of the deliverables required 😬 as they say, this is definitely a Labour of Love! ❤️

We have kept the film mostly the same as what we enjoyed in the cinemas, with only a few trims and re-edits in order to expedite the release as fast as possible, and not have to sit back in edit suites and sound mix suites for another three months.

Please reach out to your international friends! And if you have any media or influencer contacts who may be interested in promoting this story? Please let them know. So many people overseas have no idea what happened to us here in New Zealand.
…then Blu-ray for you to share with friends!
We are also working as hard as we can to get this film on Blu-ray and DVD. Once we’ve released online, we’ll be building a hard copy. Director Gaylene Barnes is looking forward to editing up some “Special Features” with magical moments from the convoy and protest days that didn’t quite make it into the feature film. Some clips were very hard to lose, but we couldn’t have a 6hr film (original rough cut!). Can’t wait to see these extra little gems 🫶
Help support our mahi!
A huge amount of work went into finishing this documentary and getting it into cinemas. Thank you to all of our supporters! Without you, this would not have been possible.

Our box office sales have been great, and we are nearly able to pay back some deferred fees and most of our major expenses, thank goodness. If you are able to support our work, please head to ☕️ primarily to help pay for the expenses of the Blu-ray, DVD and as well a book! We have an amazing writer onboard who is writing up this story plus there is so much more to this story!

Please support our graphic artist who has designed and printed up our merch. Who wouldn’t love a 🎁 bucket hat and tote bag for the summer festival season! Thanks Helen, our Joy Gypsy, @ for making these!
🇳🇿 🚛 🦆
Fast track the Blu-ray
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Please follow us on all our platforms and share share SHARE!
Tag us: #RiverofFreedom
Ngā mihi nui! Thanks so very much!

We Are Many, They Are Few


Chris Vleck has created a powerful statement in this short video. It’s very inspiring.

You can learn more at a few of these sites:
Reignite Freedom
NZ Rising
Voices for Freedom

NZ’s Counterspin Media Team Host the AJ Show Today


Hats off to both Kelvyn Alp and Hannah Spierer for sharing New Zealand’s year in review on the worldwide broadcast of the Alex Jones Show. The couple hosted the fourth hour of the show today, highlighting some of the more important events of the past year. This is important because Jones’ show reaches millions, and by sharing the antics here in NZ during the past year, the word gets out, and the NZ government, and Jacinda Adhern in particular, hate that.

I’ve been listening to Mr. Jones for years, on shortwave radio, before he was streaming on the internet. So it’s a full circle having our own Kelvyn and Hannah on the show, surreal in fact. The truth is getting harder to suppress – we’re living in interesting times! I’m fond of saying, often attributed to Mark Twain, “A lie gets half way around the world before truth has time to put its pants on.” But we’re catching up.

You can listen here on this ad-free audio file. And don’t forget to share.

Alex Jones Interviews Parents of Baby Will & Liz Gunn


Will Savage-Reeves is a 4-month old boy in New Zealand who is in need of heart surgery to repair pulmonary valve stenosis. His parents Samantha (Sam) and Cole want him to have the surgery but they insist that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not received the COVID-19 jabs. This blood is available but the doctors refuse to allow the parents to make this request (read the rest of this story here)
Special thanks to James Roguski for setting up the webpage where you will see all updates on the situation here in New Zealand.

Listen below, to the full ad-free Alex Jones interview with Liz Gunn and the parents of Will Savage-Reeves’ parents Samantha and Cole broadcast on the 7th of Deember, 2022

Huge thanks go to the supporters of Baby Will Savage Reeves and his family, Reporter Liz Gunn of , Lawyer Sue Grey, and others (many from NZ Rising, a directory group of freedom groups in New Zealand) working behind the scenes actively lend support. Lastly, but not least, thanks to Kelvyn and Hanna of Counterspin Media for all their hard work and passion.

Image Credit: Liz Gunn,

States Seek to Depose Fauci, Other Top Officials


Plaintiffs in a high-profile case that’s uncovered evidence of collusion between Big Tech and government officials to censor users are seeking to depose 10 top officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci. Read more of this story:

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