Archive for the ‘NWO’ Category

New Book about Wellington Protest Tells What Really Happened on Parliament Grounds


Freedom Village, The story of the 2022 New Zealand Convoy and Freedom Village Camp at Parliament Grounds

Freedom Village is a new book by Sue Grey and Alan Simmons. It’s the people’s story of the “controversial” 2022 occupation of the New Zealand Parliament grounds. It’s a confronting story of hope, courage, collaboration and determination in the face of abuse of state power.

Grey says of the people who contributed their stories to the book that “The story was in them, and they wanted to get it out to the the public. Creating the book was similar to the energy that was present at the protest, very inspiring.” Grey adding, “Now it’s time to get the story told. I thought I knew the story because I was there, but now I have a fuller picture of what happened, as told from other’s perspectives and experiences who were there.”

People united to reclaim freedoms from government overreach. They soon learned that the real battle line was for control of information, and for the public mind and mood.
The authors were there from the beginning and record this historic event revealing shocking information many would prefer to remain hidden.

This book is a historic record of the 23-day protest camp, and has information, hidden from the public. This publication goes hand-in-hand with other excellent projects in New Zealand, such the films River of Freedom, and We Came here for Freedom, which expose the truth of what really happened at the protest against government overreach and media manipulation at the behest of powerful forces. Much of the untold story would have remained hidden without the startling revelations in this book.

From the book’s website:
“Each generation needs a war, or a Woodstock, to remind us of what it is to be human, the magic of people power and the rewards of finding the courage to step up for humanity. Our Woodstock was the Freedom Village at New Zealand’s Parliament grounds in Wellington for 23 days starting 8 February 2022″.

“Perhaps our most important role is to sprinkle seeds of inspiration, hope, courage, aroha [love] and unity

About the Authors

Sue Grey is a self-employed lawyer who specialises in complex emerging issues. She is also co-leader of NZ Outdoors and Freedom Party and one of New Zealand’s freedom heroes.
Sue has a double major in Biochemistry and Microbiology and RSHDipPHI. Her first career was as a Health Protection Officer where she worked for central government included investigating infectious diseases and contact tracing – perfect training for her to spot the many red flags with the unorthodox Covid response


Alan Simmons lives in Turangi, NZ, and for the last 50 years worked as a full time fishing and hunting guide. The Covid response put an end to international travel and clients and in 2022 he was forced to retire by police thuggery when his hip was fractured in a police action while he was standing on a street corner filming.

Sue suggests you and others request your local library to have their it on their shelves. Or one can donate to their library. Also mention it to your local bookseller.

You can purchase the book here.

Here’s what filmmaker & journalist Alistair Harding (We Came Here for Freedom) has to say about the book:
Sue and Alan have created a book that will be worthy of the very Kiwi descriptor: ‘Taonga’, for our nation’s history.   This book is a treasure because it is a first-hand account in the absence of any true journalism of the time. And so one day this story will be the source material that historians will turn to. Where they will find a vast difference between the voices of the people who were there and the narrative spun by a news media that mostly appeared incapable of any empathy for their fellow New Zealanders who had had their lives destroyed by the vaccine mandates.

Tucker Carlson Interviews Trudeau’s Brother


Few people know Justin Trudeau better than his own brother. Here’s what he, Kyle Kemper, says about him.

From the interview transcript:
“Most people in Western countries and the United States and Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, etc., most people who lived in those countries two years ago got the Covid vaccine. That’s just a fact. And maybe because of that fact, very few people want to talk about what that was, not just what the vaccine itself was and what it may do to the human body and the human brain. Those are worthy conversations, important conversation, necessary conversations, ignored conversations. But the bigger conversation is why were governments across the West pulling out all stops to force people to take this compound that they called a vaccine? What was this and what did we learn about the motives and the aims of those governments by their behavior around the vaccine? What did we learn?”

You can see the full interview here:


Truth and Lies, Time for Feedback


By Randall Richards

I thought I’d take the opportunity to share the feedback form I just completed for the Aspiring Conversation’s “Truth and Lies” event last 6th of April here in Wanaka, NZ. The only thing I screwed up, that I can see, is I failed to capture the screenshot of questions 9 and 10 on this feedback form. So I recreated the that screen shot the best I could, otherwise it’s all from their SurveyMonkey form.

Truth & Lies, in Their Own Words


By Randall Richards

The Truth and Lies event held recently in Wanaka, NZ, was a part of the Aspiring Conversation series, under of the greater Festival of Colour event. A number of my free-thinking friends and I attended, and although recording and filming the event was not approved, a good audio copy was captured, and we’ll let you decide for yourself how on-target the speakers were on major issues facing us such as freedom of speech, the internet – platforms such as Telegram, and… Fear. Yes you read that correctly: Fear was a dominent theme we picked up in both presenters and the audience. Barry Young once mentioned that he’d love to be inside their (the panelist’s) head to see what makes them say and think what they do.

Alistair Harding eloguently stated this morning when he was interviewing Roy Chantaloup and me, that the panelests are making a last gasp effort of stating their revelence when it’s clear the OFM, Old Fashioned Media, and the lies it pumps out, are fading into oblivion. It’s not happening fast enough, but it is happening.

Anyway, here’s the audio of that “dialogue” where no Q&A were allowed, nor opposing views.

Another conclusion Alistair, Roy and I came to, was when the day comes that our community hosts a Truth event here in Wanaka, we will certainly invite Kate Hannah, Souixsie Wiles, Kathy Ferguson and Bryon C. Clarke to to have a civil discussion. We are not racists, nor “alt-right” nor conspiracy theororists. We are humans, as they are, seeking a dialogue. We will seek to fulfull the vision statement of which the Festival of Colour, and Aspiring Conversations attempt woefully fell short. This event was a lost opportunity, but there will be more ahead here in Wanaka. Our community will see to it. Please attend when you see the announcement.

Author’s Note: There will be a transcript of this audio track published here soon. Stay tuned.

My Take on Truth & Lies in Wanaka


By Randall Richards
Below is an audio interview done with Paul Brennan of Reality Check Radio here in New Zealand on the shenanigans going on with an event from the Aspiring Conversations part of Festival of Colour. The event was called “Truth and Lies”, a provocative title. My open-minded friends and I are thinking of creating another festival called Festival or Truth, or something like that, to “take a jab” at the organisers.

It seems we could improve on implementing their vision statement which in part, states: to engage our community and captivate individuals from all walks of life.
We’ll do the whole thing, stage, lights, couches, moderator, glasses of water, but we’ll take questions from the audience (no need to email in ahead of time), cameras and recorders will be allowed, and no bag or phones required to checked in at the gate. No barf bags required for this event. Stay tuned.

One thing I didn’t mention is my previous article, which I thought I’d add here, is the need to compassionately, but firmly, hold people responsible for their actions with consequences, legal, social etc.

Barry Young, our wonderful whistleblower on the data of excess deaths (related to the vaccine here in NZ), told me he’d love to “get into the head of these people and see what makes them tick. Why do they think the way they do?” Coincidently, our speaker at NZ Rising tonight was covering just that topic. David Charalambous, founder of Reaching People, He covered a lot of ground on cognitive dissonance, labels, and adaptive unconsciousness. But more on that in another piece.

Author’s Note: Reality Check Radio is currently off-air. They need more of us to donate to keep operations running. We’ll be posting a shortly on this, but for now, see RCR’s video on the situation.

If Putin Had Hired an Aussie Translator


Excuse the colorful language:

Dr. Peter Canaday: Champion of Medical Integrity, Victim of Institutional Injustice


By Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
“This may be the most important interview I’ve conducted thus far, not least because it exposes the rank corruption and failure of the institutions meant to protect the public here in New Zealand — in this case the Medical Council of New Zealand and the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal — and demonstrates the courage of a doctor who stood up from the beginning and applied critical thinking and foundational medical principles to the covid juggernaut, risking his career for freedom of speech, open discourse, foundational medical principles and the public’s right to information outside establishment media outlets.

Please join me for a conversation, my second, with the highly accomplished and courageous Dr. Peter Canaday, recorded on 5 February 2024. It is unedited and unrehearsed. Feel free to share far and wide.

Editor’s Notes: 

There are some substantial supporting documents, including Dr. Canaday’s Biography, Brief of Evidence for the HPDT, Dr. Canaday’s Closing Submission for the HPDT, Dr. Canaday’s Documents and Presentations, all available on the image link above or here.

For a more detailed summary on Dr. Garcia’s post, including the text of the decision by the Medical Council of New Zealand and the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal click here.

For those who know Dr. Canaday, they will agree – his character and integrity is of the highest degree. In addition, I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of an debate with him. He’s one smart guy.
It’s only a matter of time before it becomes clear that Dr. Canaday is on the right side of history. Bravo, Dr. Canaday, for standing up for what you know is right, and for the self-evident truth.

Peter also included this in a recent email, which I thought I’d add here:
“To all,
In the event you may be interested in what I was doing in the late stage of my career in NZ, my friend and colleague has chronicled it in several of his ongoing Substack posts. For those who haven’t known about the abject corruption within organized medicine, this may be a bit of a wake-up call. It affects us all, not just in New Zealand.”

I posted this comment on FB today:
“Good on you Peter, We in New Zealand are very proud of you for acting for what you know is right. Your standing up early in the game, with your Fireside Chats on Reality Check Radio, gave those of us mandated out of many places, solid information and encouragement. The truth will come out to everyone in time. It takes guts to put your head above the parapet in the early days. But then, as you probably agree, what other choice do you have?

RFK Jr Tells it Like it is


This Is Important: Two Sharp Minds Discuss Reality


By Randall Richards
If you’re still trying to figure out whether you’ve been fooled by the powers that be, or, you don’t want to know, then you owe it to yourself to watch this interview. Put aside your preconceptions of Tucker Carlson, and Russell Brand. Step outside your normal narrative, your normal media box, and consider what these two sharp minds are discussing. You just may come away with a broader perspective, an awakened world view. I’m sorry to say, you’ve been fooled, and lied to. As hard as it is to believe, I ask that you consider the possibility that the government does not have your best interest in mind.

Recently I’ve encountered a few people in my day that have been know-it-alls. They simply can’t understand how anyone could think reality is other than the way they perceive it. In short, anyone who thinks Trump did anything good, is a nut job. While I wouldn’t want to spend a weekend with him, and frankly will be voting for RFK Jr, not Trump, Orange Man is not bad. He’s strange, but it’s almost beside the point what my view of Trump is. I’m probably ideologically a liberal at heart, but that train left the station a long time ago. The left is unrecognizable now to what it once was. RFJ Jr will tell you that.
So I ask again, take off the blinders. I’d rather wear a tinfoil hat, (metaphor) than blinders. Good luck with your journey, and if you have questions, I’ll be here for you.

River of Freedom in Apple’s Top Ten


River of freedom in top 10 apple movies above blockbuster Oppenheimer. Polling higher than a Christmas movie, in the week of Christmas.

Watch the full movie here