Archive for June, 2022

“What We Learned From Hating the *Unvccinated”


By Susan Dunham
“If *Cøvid were a battlefield it would still be warm with the bodies of the unvaccinated. Thankfully the mandates are letting up and both sides of the war stumble back to the new normal.

The *unvcnated are the heroes of the last two years as they allowed us all to have a control group in the great experiment and highlight the shortcoming of the *Cøvid vcns. The unvcnated carry many battle scars and injuries as they are the people we tried to mentally break, yet no one wants to talk about what we did to them and what they forced “The Science“  to unveil.  We knew that the waning immunity of the fully *vcnated had the same risk profile as others within society as the minority of the *unvcnated, yet we marked them for special persecution. You see we said they had not “done the right thing for the greater good” by handing their bodies and medical autonomy over to the State.

Many of the so-called health experts and political leaders in New Zealand admitted the goal was to make life almost unlivable for the *unvcnated, which was multiplied many times by the collective mob, with the fight taken into workplaces, friendships, and family gatherings. Today the hard truth is none of it was justified as we took a quick slide from righteousness to absolute cruelty. We might lay the blame on our leaders and health experts for the push but each individual within society must be held accountable for stepping into the well-laid-out trap. We did this despite knowing full well that principled opposition is priceless when it comes to what goes inside our bodies and we let ourselves be tricked into believing that going into another ineffective lockdown would be the fault of the unvaccinated and not the fault of the toxic policy of ineffective *vccines.

We took pleasure in scapegoating the *unvcnated because after months of engineered lockdowns by political leaders blinded by power, having someone to blame and to burn at the stake felt good. We believed we had logic, love, and truth on our side so it was easy to wish death upon the *unvcnated. Those of us who ridiculed and mocked the non-compliant did it because we were embarrassed by their courage and principles and didn’t think the *unvcnated would make it through unbroken and we turned the holdouts into punching bags. Ardern, Bloomfield, Hipkins, Baker, Verrall, Wiles, and the other cast of hundreds in prominent roles need to be held to account for vilifying the *unvcnated in public and fueling angry social media mobs.

The mobs, the mask Nazis, and the *vccine disciples have been embarrassed by “betting against” the *unvcnated because mandates only had the power we gave them. It was not compliance that ended domination by Big Pharma Companies, Bill Gates and his many organizations, and the World Economic Forum… It was THANKS to the people we tried to embarrass, ridicule, mock and tear down.

We should all try and find some inner gratitude for the *unvcnated as we took the bait by hating them because their perseverance and courage bought us the time to see we were wrong.

So if mandates ever return for Cøvid or any other disease or virus, hopefully, more of us will be awake and see the rising authoritarianism that has no concern for our well-being and is more about power and control. The War on the *Unvcnated was lost and we should all be very thankful for that.”

Note: This is an adaption for New Zealand of the original article by Susan Dunham “What We Learned From Hating the *Unvcnated”. You can follow Susan on Instagram @susankaydunham for more articles.

Editors note: * “Controversial terms” that would cause this article to be banned have been altered** in order to reach a wider audience. My apologies.
Many other alternative views and pieces that veer from the mainstream narrative suffer a similar fate. These articles, on the whole, by the way are not, on the whole, *msinformation but should be considered under freedom of speech.
** In the spirit of JP Sears and his riotous self-censoring of the word “unbllubbfrerouscinated”

Christine Sedon: On a mission of Calmness and Common Sense

Christine Sedon, on water, health, passports and the global reset

The Lost Boys Cafe, a Port in the Storm


John Sedon, owner of the Lost Boys Cafe in Hamilton NZ, has a stories to tell. He’s not just a cafe owner in tough times, he’s a confident, and maybe, even a healer of sorts. Hear his stories in these three segments.

PART 1 The crew at the Lost Boys Cafe – good food and coffee, and great people.
Part 2, John Sedon, owner of the Lost Boys Cafe, Hamilton, New Zealand
Part 3, John Sedon likes his coffee, but he likes being involved with life, and his customers even more.

Handouts Which Make A Difference


Warrick Stubbs’ little cards are a work-around from the Mainstream Media Narrative. In this video he shares his vision and tricks he has learned to get these little info cards into the hands of people that may just be interested in shifting their points of view about mask wearing.

“Eyewitness Testimony” 1969 to Present


Livestream Event, Hawea/Wanaka NZ, June 11, 2022
Watch the recorded event here
By Randall Richards, Mountain Spirit Media
I come from a state in the US that took freedom rather seriously in the past. Rather than having “Sunny Florida”, or the “Scenic Montana” or “The greatest snow on earth”, we have “Live free or die” on our license plates…See? *[I’m not lying. Here’s my license plate from NH. Which, by the way costs $40 compared to the $600 (rumour has it) charge here in New Zealand for such “vanity plates]

New Hampshire’s license plate means business – You either make it or your don’t. I used to drive around Europe in a van with this NH registered this license plate. People couldn’t get their head around it back then in the ’80’s. Wonder what the reception would be now?

I’ve been a New Zealander now, for a while, complete with citizenship, but this Yankee still can’t make a good cup of tea. Must be because my clan in New England threw those British crates of tea over the side into Boston harbor to protest the Tea Tax

The title of this is Eyewitness Testimony is Gold and starts in 1969 when I was 11 ys old. I promise I’ll finish in 7 min

My Uncle Curt was a 4-star general in the Army’s Corp of Engineers. He was a career man, graduated top of his class at Westpoint, and was in WWII, N Korea, and served as an assistant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon.  His chopper was shot down in the Vietnam War. He survived to tell about it,  and I remember him using a portion of the helicopter blade as a coffeetable. 

He, like others in the top brass, were wary of the emerging NWO. At family Fourth-of-July picnics, he would warn us of the newly formed Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral  Commission.  Keep in mind this is the late ‘60s.
I remember wondering if he was a bit nuts.  Over the years, I would pop by his house and we’d discuss the latest conspiracies from his perspective. It was deep.

I don’t know if he influenced me on this, but I became a local reporter in my early teens, and in my late teens became an apprentice as a “Stringer” for United Press International as a photojournalist.
New Hampshire was the first primary state, so all the presidential candidates would file through. I was trained, by Suki Coughlin on how to make my subjects comfortable from behind the lens, and get in there for the newsworthy shot, which we’d later put up on “The Wire’ sort of a precursor to the fax machine.

So here I was, living in two worlds, one, of my Uncle’s reports, and the other, mainstream media on the national level. It led me to call up the local WMUR-TV station and ask the manager. “Hey, why don’t you cover that George Bush is in the Tri-lateral commission or Council on Foreign relations?” His reply was, “Randall, we’d love to, and I agree it should be covered, but the FCC would yank our license so fast, “the following morning” if we covered that on the nightly news.” were his exact words.
I made more phone calls, learning the Federal Reserve wasn’t really Federal, and that the IRS’s tax is based on “voluntary compliance”.

Over the years, I did the “long view research approach”. Finding and reading The Money Trust, by Rep Charles Lindbergh Sr. (his son was the famous pilot), None Dare call it conspiracy, by Gary Allen, and Creature from Jekyll Island, by Edward G. Griffin.

A side note about Griffin – When asked in a recent interview, “How do you keep so well centered? You seem at peace and well composed, after writing a such book based on nasty stuff. “
I decided a long time ago,” replied Griffin, “that I am not the material I’ve written. I have my family life, my spiritual practice and I separate the two.”

I also listened to Dave VonKleist, Alex Jones, and the late William Cooper (author of Behold a Pale Horse) and personally got to know Ed Brown a constitutional ranger also in Sullivan County New Hampshire. All of them would throw their hands up in the air, and basically say “Wake the Hell up!”

Ed, in his offensive way said to me once, before they took him away, locked him up and threw away the key said, “It’s all very good you’re interested in this conspiracy stuff, but what are you actually doing about it?” I took offence and was a bit speechless. In retrospect though, these guys, and a bit like our host here tonight, may not have been gruff enough! There’s a place for that. It’s not my style, but it needs to be said.
We’re in a full infowar.

It used to be funny saying:
“If you’re not on the fringe you’re taking up room.” And…
“It’s a free country as long as you do what they tell you.
It’s not so funny now, but I do keep my sense of humour. Because you can’t make this stuff up!
I used to call my research “a hobby”,  “a sideline”. I would treat any conspiracy as “the 3rd rail” on my blog I’ve had for 14 years. I wouldn’t touch it. 

Now,  I don’t care what people think.
Maybe it took the mandates, or the protest in Wellington.

Fast forward to the South Island Convoy.
We never planned to go all the way to Wellington. But after seeing those people in Ashburton, so many people on the sides of the road, the ChCh overpasses, and rolling into that paddock turned campground in ChCh, it was like Woodstock without the drugs. People hugging each other, food caravans and porta-loos popping up in the middle of a field.

Then we got the ferry to Wellington with my family, with our “antigen tests”. The lady behind the counter in Picton, looked at us, from under her glasses looked at our “tests” on the phone, back at us. The uncomfortable pause, and finally, “You can go on the boat now…” I felt like “Papers Please.”

Day 1 Wellington, I knew I had to dust off my reporting skills, (although I had been regularly doing my blog, and reporting what I’d been seeing on the South Island, I clearly saw this was going to be historic and needed to be covered) I briefly had the absurd thought to call UPI again and see if they needed me to cover this for them Then I realized the absurdity of idea – They’d only want me to cover it from the globalist point of view!

So, I decided to start a Telegram channel and get back in the saddle of breaking news coverage. Instead of a slew of cameras around my neck, I had my cell phone, lots of SD cards and battery packs. I interviewed lots of people. I must have interviewed the wrong people, I must have been over the target. Because my Telegram acct got data wiped, and my phone was remotely data locked. With effort I was able to retrieve my interviews, but it took some clever I.T. work here in Wanaka to get it back. I’m still in the process of rebuilding my own media empire. That’s a dad joke by the way.

So why is Eyewitness testimony  Gold?
Because at times, there were up to 25K people (on weekends) at Wellington, and that’s not counting the ebb and flow of those coming and going. They, all saw one thing, and then immediately saw the controlled media say another. A lot of it captured by phones,

The good news? All those people went home and told family and friends what they saw. NZ is a small enough country that once you get Kiwi’s attention, get them riled up, news travels fast. It’s not like the states.
So I’m very optimistic.
We can’t beat the media at their own game. But we can do is an end run around them.

Of that I’m sure. The truth will come out.

There are creative way’s like Warrick Stubb’s little handout cards, and collaboration, sharing stories. As I speak other freedom reporters are collecting stories and eye witness testimonies, which are gold. Thanks for listening, and…
Keep up the good work
* Ed: Added into this blog after the speech.