Posts Tagged ‘Wanaka’

Truth and Lies, Time for Feedback


By Randall Richards

I thought I’d take the opportunity to share the feedback form I just completed for the Aspiring Conversation’s “Truth and Lies” event last 6th of April here in Wanaka, NZ. The only thing I screwed up, that I can see, is I failed to capture the screenshot of questions 9 and 10 on this feedback form. So I recreated the that screen shot the best I could, otherwise it’s all from their SurveyMonkey form.

Truth & Lies, in Their Own Words


By Randall Richards

The Truth and Lies event held recently in Wanaka, NZ, was a part of the Aspiring Conversation series, under of the greater Festival of Colour event. A number of my free-thinking friends and I attended, and although recording and filming the event was not approved, a good audio copy was captured, and we’ll let you decide for yourself how on-target the speakers were on major issues facing us such as freedom of speech, the internet – platforms such as Telegram, and… Fear. Yes you read that correctly: Fear was a dominent theme we picked up in both presenters and the audience. Barry Young once mentioned that he’d love to be inside their (the panelist’s) head to see what makes them say and think what they do.

Alistair Harding eloguently stated this morning when he was interviewing Roy Chantaloup and me, that the panelests are making a last gasp effort of stating their revelence when it’s clear the OFM, Old Fashioned Media, and the lies it pumps out, are fading into oblivion. It’s not happening fast enough, but it is happening.

Anyway, here’s the audio of that “dialogue” where no Q&A were allowed, nor opposing views.

Another conclusion Alistair, Roy and I came to, was when the day comes that our community hosts a Truth event here in Wanaka, we will certainly invite Kate Hannah, Souixsie Wiles, Kathy Ferguson and Bryon C. Clarke to to have a civil discussion. We are not racists, nor “alt-right” nor conspiracy theororists. We are humans, as they are, seeking a dialogue. We will seek to fulfull the vision statement of which the Festival of Colour, and Aspiring Conversations attempt woefully fell short. This event was a lost opportunity, but there will be more ahead here in Wanaka. Our community will see to it. Please attend when you see the announcement.

Author’s Note: There will be a transcript of this audio track published here soon. Stay tuned.

Truth & Lies in Wanaka New Zealand


By Randall Richards
Yesterday, I attended an “Aspiring Conversations” event called “Truth and Lies*” which is part of Wanaka, “Festival of Colour” held periodically in this small but growing town on New Zealand’s South Island. I, and about twenty-five friends who are concerned about threats to free speech and government overreach, had bought the $25 ticket to hear four people on stage discuss what their webpage describes as follows
“How do we know what is true and how do we deal with the misinformation and disinformation that plagues not just social media, but public life.”

Truth and Lies speakers lineup, clockwise from upper left: Susie Ferguson, Kate Hannah (no show), Byron Clarke and Siouxsie Wiles.

The webpage gave the speakers’ backgrounds: “Susie Ferguson has recently produced a podcast series called Undercurrents. Kate Hannah (no-show) is the director of the Disinformation Project. Byron C Clarke is an expert on the far right and has just written Fear: New Zealand’s Hostile World of ExtremistsSiouxsie Wiles is a science communicator who has been targeted by the alt right.” The event was hosted by Radio New Zealand host Kathryn Ryan

I was dreading going to the event. I was tempted to bring a barf bag in protest but decided at the last minute to nix that idea. I felt as if I were going into the den of lions. The thought of attending this talk brought a mild feeling of nausea. When I found a seat in the audience, I grew a bit anxious, as what looked like a largely retired, but woke population, started to fill the auditorium. As a group, my friends and I agreed we’d be respectful of their guidelines, (besides we discovered when Kathryn Ryan was reading the ground rules, that “Any disruptions from the audience would result in being escorted out by security personnel.” A friend from Arrowtown, NZ, who didn’t get our memo, did speak out loudly once, when Siouxsie Wiles stated on stage that there were minimal adverse effects of the Covid19 “vaccine”. He spoke up loudly, saying, “What about the skyrocketing excess deaths reported?” He was rewarded by a security guard coming to the end of his row and glowering at him with a threatening look of, “Don’t do that again, or you’re out of here.”

A last minute email sent out to ticket-holders the day before the event stated, that if we’d like to submit questions to be considered, they’d have to be emailed in prior. So that evening we, as a group, decided to submit the following questions:

1. What are the panel’s views on Dr. Michael Kelly’s recent article that calculated it would cost New Zealand $500 BILLION to implement the climate change actions being proposed by our Government?

2. Does the panel regard it to be “true” that the Covid vaccine was “safe and effective?”

3. What is the panel’s opinion of NZ’s Bill of Rights which states that: “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

4. What level of C02 is acceptable to members of this panel when ice samples show that the planet currently has its lowest ever levels of CO2 levels in the last 70 million years?

5. What is the panel’s opinion regarding the refusal of our ministry of Health to release the true data on the vaccination injury statistics and all-cause mortality figures over the last 4 years?

6. Why does the panel think advertisers are withdrawing from mainstream media in their droves, causing their collapse?

7. Can members of the panel please confirm, in public that you do not receive any funding from third parties like the UN, WHO or Governmental or university bodies – either directly or indirectly?

There was no Q&A section of the presentation.
Knowing, this might be the case, we printed out copies of the questions to hand out to the audience as they exited the building with the following additional background printed on the front:

Questions for the Truth & Lies Panel Discussion
Some concerned people in the Otago region are planning to ask these 7 questions at the Truth and Lies discussion event on the 6th of April, which is slated to be part of Wanaka’s Aspiring Conversations, at The Festival of Colour.
We, as individuals, will request these questions be answered during the Q&A portion of the event, if there is such a portion. If not, we will ask the panel if they will answer the questions in the room, immediately after the event.
If the panel will not address the questions after the event, we will present these questions to them with a request to respond via email, and will also hand out copies of this document to the attendees as they exit the event.
We’re hopeful the discussion panel will hear our concerns, and we look forward to hearing their answers

We also included their mission of the event:

From the Festival of Colour Website:

“Our vision is to create an extraordinary platform that inspires, entertains, and challenges, fostering community well-being. Through diverse performances, thought-provoking discussions, and interactive events, we aim to engage our community and captivate individuals from all walks of life. Our dynamic programme showcases both established and emerging artists, representing Aotearoa’s artistic and cultural landscape alongside international acts.

We believe in the transformative power of the arts to spark conversations, challenge perceptions, and connect people. Alongside showcasing incredible performances that move our audiences, our festivals stimulate dialogue on critical issues, encouraging reflection and exploration of new ideas, encouraging personal growth, cultural understanding, and social cohesion. (emphasis added by author)

I’m sorry to say the event fell far short of ticking any of the boxes I highlight above. On the contrary, the event encouraged conformative non-critical thinking by oversimplifying major issues of the day such as the use of the internet and the Telegram platform in particular. At one point, Susie Ferguson stated she was “given a tour of Telegrams groups” as if it were some sort of foreign dark web element of our society. It is not.
Byron Clarke stated “Be skeptical and stick to broadcasting standards.” I say, keep an open mind, and follow your nose. Someone recently is quoted as saying, people know the truth when they see it, they can smell it.” Another quote oft attributed to Mark Twain, “A lie gets half way around the world before truth gets a chance to put its pants on.” Maintaining an open, curious mind today is mandatory to stay healthy and at peace.

My twelve year son, who attended the event, picked up on the overall feeling of fear from the panel members, and he was right. Clarke earlier stated, “We’re in worrying times when our landscape of news media is changing with fake news, fake info, on the internet which is considered the truth”. The audience then sighed or gasped. I had the distinct feeling I was in a paddock of sheep.
Clarke added the example of “The protest of the mandates in Wellington are signs of worrying times, when they could have been protesting for a more worthy cause”. He continued, “While reputable newscasts are behind some sort of paywalls, (TV subscriptions, advertising, etc) the internet is free, such as New Zealand’s own Counterspin Media, Reality Check Radio, Voice Media, my own blog and Infowars and TCN the U.S. to name a few. (For the record, the above excluding my own and Counterspin, have paid elements of their services. Voice Media is virtually a full paid subscription service and TCN has much of its content behind a paywall). The mainstream military industrial media globalist complex gets paid to lie and create the mess, we have to volunteer or scrounge for donations to clean up the mess. I, and others in truth* media, can speak from experience that countering the narrative doesn’t pay well. Without corporate sponsors, even the “founding father” of truth media, Alex Jones, has to promote his health line of supplements to stay on air. He doesn’t receive government grants as does RNZ and other “Old Fashioned Media, OFM” here in New Zealand.

The moderator brought up our Bill of Rights in NZ, and the right to free speech. That was a curious exchange, with Souixsie Wiles stating in effect, that free speech is not an absolute, that when someone says something which could end up killing someone with misinformation (regarding the pandemic), this is not a right. This sparked a few comments from the audience. Rightfully so.

Byron incorrectly stated that “people who are online too much are susceptible , That’s why the pandemic blew things up for a certain percentage of the population. My feeling is that what they’re reading online justifies violence, and the material appeals to those that don’t trust authority.” Firstly, violence is never justified, and yes, there surely must be a small percentage of unbalanced individuals who advocate violence on the internet. But to the bigger picture, correct me if I’m wrong, is it not only our right, but our responsibility to have a healthy distrust our government? The founding fathers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence certainly accounted for that when they constructed the constitution.

Going back to what my 12-yr old picked up, that the panelists seemed fearful, and “not in a good way” as he put it. “They weren’t healthy and happy looking like our friends” he stated. “They seemed like they had low energy.” My read on the situation confirms his perceptions.

I had a cathartic experience at the event. I had never seen any of these people in person before. Once I saw them on stage, I felt empathy for them. All I wanted to do was somehow reach out to them, either on or off the record. It was helpful hearing their story to understand where they are coming from. It’s clear they are troubled and don’t have the full picture. As I’ve written in previous articles, and stated on stage, I was brought up in an extended family who had a healthy distrust (but also respect) of the U.S. government and military. My uncle was a 4-star general in the army and worked in the Pentagon as an aide to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He told me about the reality of Washington DC and the power structures. It’s mainly what got me interested in being a United Press International photojournalists in my late teens and early ’20’s. It’s also what got me interested in finding out the back-story of how things work, by making my own investigative phone calls, and receiving answers I didn’t want to hear by our state-owned media and institutions.

Last night, all I could do was feel compassion for these ill-informed panelists who know not what they do. Well, maybe they do. The saying, “they’re either being played or being paid” holds true here. Despite that, all I saw were humans on stage, who were mirroring in statements, (to a much greater degree than my friends and I feel), some of the same issues we felt when being mandated out of public places or fired from our jobs. The people on stage made comments such as, “I feel afraid to speak out for fear of reprisals, for losing my job, for losing friendships.” All I saw was a mirror of myself, in an exaggerated form. As a caveat, I would say, I’m not really fearful, and at this point, I don’t care what people think of my opinions. That’s one of the advantages of getting older.
This cast of characters on stage might even be “in on the take”. So what? It is what it is. It doesn’t mean we don’t stand outside the venue with posters showing photographs of vaccine injured individuals who have suffered greatly, to help open people’s eyes. But it does mean we have compassion for those that haven’t yet seen the whole truth. It’s like being upset at someone for having a cold or illness. How can you? It seems on the surface, they have a choice in the matter, but they don’t have a choice until they break free of the conditioning. It’s not their fault. It’s a condition of the times. An exciting time to be a journalist and a writer. I can tell you that much!

Reactions from a friend about the “Truth and Lies” event in Wanaka, NZ, and others with posters of “vaccine” injured victims who have either died or now have serious side effects.

Friends share posters of the vaccine injured. More info can be found at

Author’s Note:
*I was tempted to include in this article, that the title should have been called “Lies and More Lies” which I think is funny, but it implies the panel members know that they’re lying, and I can at least tell, with certainty, they’re not seeing the whole picture. Whether it’s intentional or not, at least at this level I’m not sure. Look up “Hegelian Dialectic.”
This just in: Just received this text from a friend who was not able to attend the event:
“Hi Randall, Looks like you all made a bit of an impact with the pants on fire crowd.”
Oh good, I look forward to hearing more!

Update: I’ve been hearing some really good comments from my community here in Wanaka, and encourage you, and those beyond the area, to comment in section below or on my Farcebook page as well to stir the pot.

In Your Face 5G


The once small town of Wanaka, NZ has a new 5g tower today. Although it’s not been advertised, they rolled out 5G throughout the South Island a few years ago. Nevertheless it was  a shock to see the new health-corroding tower being erected smack in front of a popular cafe, corner store, restaurant and pub complex

When I approached the workers asking them if it was indeed 5G technology, they confirmed it was.  I then queried, “Do you guys know that these towers create health problems?” Their response was, “Hey mate, we’re just doing our job. It’s not our decision”.  Does that sound familiar? What era comes to mind?

This tower is massive, with tons of technology aboard. There also happens to be additional technology installed just down the road, on street lights: real-time CCTV, and heat sensoring monitors in the name of safety (fire). It sure feels good to be safe, doesn’t it?

Hi Tech for your safety and convenience, but not your health.
The nearby cafe will certainly have “roasted” coffee from now on.

This sort of construction, right in the midst of a highly populated and active area of town is completely diabolical. I’ll admit I’m not informed on the decision making process on how these things come to be, but it’s madness. There are crazies at the helm of a ship of fools.  Just don’t eat the food at Albert Town anymore, it will be “over-cooked”.

Red Remembrance Day in Wanaka NZ


November 15th 2021 is a day when “healthcare mandates” were imposed by the Jacinda Ardern government in here in New Zealand, instantly creating a two-tiered society. If one was not vaccinated, one either lost their job, house, visiting and travel rights, or more. Red Remembrance day though, is not a protest, rather is a day of contemplation or remembering those who have been injured or killed by the mRNA vaccine, who have lost jobs or family, or been affected in some way by the past years abuses.

Below are some scenes of yesterday’s event here in Wanaka New Zealand. I’m also publishing NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science, (Better known as NZDSOS) full 2023 statement as well as Dr. Guy Hatchard’s statement of support. Special thanks to Craig Rizzi, Wanaka’s Voices For Freedom Coordinator for his video captures of the day’s event.

Dr. Mark Edmond reads the NZDSOS 2023 statement at Wanaka New Zealand’s lakefront to a group of more than thirty holding placards about those injured by the vaccine. IMAGE: Randall Richards
Dr. Mark Edmond reads the NZDSOS 2023 statement at Wanaka’s lakefront as Emcee Janelle Fletcher, Amanda Richards, and Carol Bradley listen. Placards of vaccine injured individuals were held by the participants during the ceremony.

NZDSOS Red Remembrance Day 2023 read by Dr. Mark Edmond Wanaka NZ, Nov 15th

Hello Everyone,
My name is Mark Edmond, and I’m representing NZDSOS today.
A very warm welcome to this, the 2nd Red Remembrance day. NZDSOS is proud to
stand here today with you all. November 15th 2021 was truly a day New Zealand must always remember, so we can say “never again” and mean it. It was the day on which many New Zealanders KNEW they would lose their jobs and their lives would change for the worse – for exerting their basic human rights, following their instincts, or going where their scientific research had led them. They still say we had a choice back then. We know that is a lie. More than 2 years on and the true toll is becoming clear. Many dead and injured, young and old. We are here to acknowledge and remember all those who have suffered, and celebrate our togetherness. Our country was deceived, and suffered terrible harm. The scientific and historical proof is overwhelming and yet our authorities are still silent, and even pressing on.
We know beyond doubt that the government KNEW it had bought an ineffective and dangerous product. Even its contract warned that safety was unknown.
So how are we here then, where many Kiwis have been needlessly killed, and many more badly hurt and, even worse, abandoned? Well, some humans can be truly horrible to the rest of us who just want to do the right thing, and “man’s inhumanity to man” is unique in the animal kingdom. Somehow a small clique with a lust for power, profit and control always manage to turn the lives of many to misery. Except when enlightened democracies stick to moral and ethical codes, especially those that should govern medicine. But once the doctors are captured, that ethical high bar topples and it is all downhill. The best past example of this is still 1930s Germany. Once their doctors okayed the euthanasia of the physically and mentally disabled, the rest is history.
The Covid debacle illustrates all these lessons, and more. The power of fear. The power of money. That power corrupts, including in those suddenly thrust into the spotlight. That many believe that we are all safer if we follow orders, but can be led to do terrible things, just because others are doing them too. That not just livelihood is at risk if they stand up, but status too, and psychologists understand that the smartest and most successful stick their willfully blind heads in the sand with the most determination, as they fear losing their elevated status more strongly than anyone else. We have seen this not just in government officials and regulators, but in coroners, pathologists, senior police, judges and lawyers. And, yes, we are afraid of
these people collaborating to silence us, but not speaking out doesn’t make it all any
less true, and certainly doesn’t save lives.
We’ve learnt we cannot trust officials just because of their status. The TV talking heads are speaking to convince themselves just as much as the people still listening to them, which, sadly, is still too many.
Well, these people are not going to wake suddenly to their human frailty and imperfections. We have to lead ourselves out of this mess. This, the biggest story of modern humanity so far – the deliberate harming of billions of people – puts our species at a crossroads. So do we believe we deserve a planet free of murderous wars, fear and misery, or one of abundance, caring and self determination? Do we think that is even possible? Most of us probably do, and it is time to step around the few that fear losing their position in society or their ill-gotten gains.
Last year we paid tribute to the various groups of people most affected, and today is
no different. Firstly those mandated out of their work, especially from healthcare, teaching,
defense and first responders, but also from many businesses too whose bosses were manipulated by the government. They were told the economy would be closed until they got their workers injected, and their customers masked and segregated.
We noted the strength and resourcefulness that has seen some of us healthier and maybe happier than we were before, with a new family, hardened by the fires of enforced solidarity, and stronger from the lies and abuse of the mainstream media.
These liars are paid for with our taxes to push an extreme political narrative. Safe and Effective is not about science. It can’t be, as it’s not true. Even the Medical Council has now removed its written instructions to lie about safety issues. But the brave groups of teachers and defence who went to the appeals court, after they lost their challenge to the government’s attack on our basic freedoms, have STILL not had their verdicts, even 7 months later!! It’s the same for the first doctor to the striking off tribunal. Justice delayed is justice denied. We have seen judges bend over backwards not to offend the government, when they are supposed to be separate and provide justice for all. NZDSOS is challenging in court the Medical Council’s right to have us desecrate our oaths, to punish us for disobedience, and to prevent us from providing actual covid
treatments to vulnerable patients, despite clear evidence early on that lives could have been saved. If the Medical Council board wished to support the labour government’s contract with Pfizer, they should not have dragged medicine down with it.
Regarding the mandates, of note, some opposition MPs at the time voted AGAINST them. So clearly, the Medical Council has taken one side in a political debate, not a health one, where behaving ethically and treating disease used to be basic norms. NZDSOS is fighting of course to retain these principles, and we fight also for the rights of the 2nd and potentially largest group affected, the vaccine injured. There were 67 000 injury reports to Medsafe until they decided to stop publishing a year ago in Nov 2022. 11 000 were serious, but 7000 of those supposedly got lost in the system. But even 67 000 is a small fraction as we know many do not get reported, and we have proof only a small fraction of those that do ever get any assessment at
all. Different pieces of research using different methods are all honing in on the true rate of harm and it is as astonishing as it is unacceptable. We have provided this information to government relentlessly. It may well be around 1 death per 1000 shots given, and the risk of serious harm or death goes up exponentially with each jab. This number fits with New Zealand’s excess mortality of over 10 000 since the rollout
began. Our work with the data we can get is suggesting that New Zealand too has some especially harmful batches. But in all samples tested, independent researchers have discovered contamination with bacterial DNA at levels v likely to cause harm.
As individual doctors we are censured and prosecuted for speaking up, and often accused of making statements without providing the evidence. However, we are always posting and sending this evidence to govt, and many of you also are well clued up with the research. For every death of course tens or hundreds have significant injury, or will have in the future. There was no human data to inform immediate, short term or medium term risks, let alone long term, so how the heck can people who say they are fine now actually know that will remain true? Sudden widespread and aggressive cancers, blood clots, strokes and heart attacks are already through the roof. We can’t get on and research how to protect from future problems whilst still fighting for people who are CLEARLY already damaged. Many are denied ACC or even acknowledgement. Officials played a reckless Russion roulette, and we-the-people have lost.
The number of stories of sudden deaths and very unpleasant diseases is as shocking as it is widespread and most will know, in their heart of hearts, of affected people, that this is not normal and something is very wrong. Around the world, doctors, nurses, dentists, funeral directors, insurance companies, probate lawyers, MPs and adverse event reporting systems cannot all be wrong. Many of the injured and their families have no clue just how many of them they are. This is our big hope for red remembrance day, and for everyday we keep working. To wake people up to the scale of the problem. Because the government is silent, the press tell lies and the police ignore clear criminal negligence. Are we supposed to just sit and trust the silence and bad judgement of the people who have already let it all go this far? NZDSOS will keep trying to do it’s bit. To save lives and prevent injuries in the future, to treat the harmed, comfort the bereaved, restore medical ethics, and push the politicians, police, courts, legal profession generally and coroners particularly to return to serving the people, instead of playing word games or just turning away.
We call for an immediate end to the mRNA products, including the new ones planned for us, and a proper enquiry into the this whole debacle. The mandates were disgusting and must never be repeated. We believe the tide is turning as the truth is relentless, but we must not stay silent. Lets get really busy between now and the next Red Remembrance Day.
Please join us in a minute’s silence to remember all those probably lost to this international conspiracy of financial interests and willful blindness.
Thank you.
Dr. Mark Edmond, Healthcare Consultant
The Good Doc

This is Dr. Guy Hatchard’s statement of support for NZDSOS’s Red Remembrance Day 2023

“I fully support NZDSOS for organising Red Remembrance Day. Unfortunately the solemn meetings today are not just a question of remembrance. The latest available official figures show that New Zealand excess deaths over five weeks during September and October 2023 are up by 70% on last year. Compared to the historical average we have 155 extra deaths per week which is 22 more deaths per day. Family, friends and the public are being misinformed, ignored and gaslighted as to the cause. Up until now the government and medical authorities have failed to record vaccination status on death certificates. They have refused to do so in order to hide their culpability”. “Please keep up the pressure on the incoming government to face the hard facts, stop mRNA vaccines, admit fault and apologise to the public, seek redress from Pfizer and compensate the victims”.
Best wishes
Guy Hatchard PhD

IMAGES: Randall Richards
VIDEOS: Craig Rizzi

Micro-FM Radio: The End Run ’round MSM


By Randall Richards, Mountain Spirit Media

Former University community radio host Jay Barnett and I have been putting our heads together for the past year on how to create a local radio station where we could re-broadcast interviews and internet content onto the FM band here in Wanaka, New Zealand. In effect, our goal has been, to do an end-run around the mainstream media’s iron grip on free speech, and their constant barrage of “The Single Source of Truth” narrative.

Enter Reality Check Radio, a recent initiative by Voices for Freedom. “RCR” has a great line-up of experienced, seasoned professional media anchors and interviewers as well as young gun content providers on the front lines of New Zealand’s information war.  Of course, hearing great interviews with guests from all over the world, informed and intelligent interviewees is great for the converted, but how do we get the messages out beyond the echo chamber?

Citizen Low Power FM (LPFM) Radio is just that. It’s one very effective way to reach that 35% of fence-sitters, who once hear the truth will recognize it when they hear it, and be drawn to hear more. They can smell it.
How does it work? It’s easy, legal, inexpensive and easy to set up.
There a few ground rules though:
– Choose from within a range of FM frequency bands allocated for local community radio on either the bottom or top end of the FM band.
– Don’t use a frequency that’s already being used. Refer to the online resource that shows what local community operators are already broadcasting in your area, and avoid using that frequency, Simply choose another one that is free within the allowed spectrum.
– Have an announcement hourly that states the operator’s name and contact info (in this case of re-broadcasting a streamed interview from Reality Check Radio or the like, that’s taken care of as it’s usually embedded in the interview somewhere.
– Use a wattage on your transmitter that’s no more than 1 to 1.5 watts in power.
That’s about it.
But how does this work?

Jay Barnett runs through the basics of LPFM

The theme of this article is  “See one, do one”. The purpose is to give you enough information to purchase the needed gear and easily set up your own low power FM station in your house or even outside on a hill top. The linear range of these units are “line of sight” averaging between 5-10km depending your location and that of the antenna. Since the range isn’t huge, it’s important to find the highest ground or in our case, we may put one our moored boat with a battery pack. Currently the community station we’ve just fired up is in someone’s home, but we’re working on improving the antenna set-up for better coverage. By setting it up on the roof with a coaxial extension cord we should see better results. But the important thing is we’re live!

Pirate Radio? Nah, it’s all legal. The Lego pirate ship just happened to be there on the shelf next to the transmitter. Ha!

Simple setup streaming from the internet onto a tablet, phone, or computer, plugged into the small FM transmitter

Closeup of transmitter, which also has a direct line-in for a mic. The tablet plugs into the AUX

So what’s needed? Below are some links to the basics including a review of what to buy and what to avoid in FM transmitters. We’ll be most likely installing one in our house, (once I check with the rest of the family, of course) with a roof-top antenna of some sort. Because of our location, we’ll have great reach of the Hawea Valley, but won’t interfere with the main town’s transmitter so we’ll stick with 107fm here at Mountain Spirit

Simple hookup of the transmitter on a bookshelf.

Ok, here’s the fine print from the NZ Government’s Radio Spectrum Management page on low power FM broadcasting which confirms what Jay has shared about the parameters one needs to follow. The Radio Heritage Foundation’s page on Low Power FM stations, (LPFM) was a list of who’s on what frequency in your town. The LPFM Society of NZ seems like a great site for resources and to help further the cause of community broadcasting and transmitting.

Lastly here are some links provided by Jay on where and what to purchase in order to get your own community station going, so you can re-broadcast Realty Check Radio, your own content, or that which you pick off the internet.

Caption FM Dipole Antenna High Gain Outdoor Antenna

Jay writes: “Here is a full kit. I think this transmitter is much better quality than mine and for a bit extra money.” FM Radio Transmitter Long Range And GP-2 Antenna with Cable Completed Kit

Screenshot of Voices for Freedom’s landing page, featuring a cool promo shot for Realty Check Radio . NOTE: Neither the author nor Mountain Spirit Media are affiliated with VFF nor RCR. This screenshot is included under the “publish first edit later/asking forgiveness easier than getting permission” principle.

Thanks to Jay Barnett for his hours of volunteer work, co-facilitating the occasional workshop with me on, not only LPFM, but emergency preparedness talks on Walkie Talkies and VHF radios, and for providing the guts of this article through messages and discussions. Here’s Jay showing the basic LPFM setup of tablet plugged into the small FM transmitter

Thanks also to Gerry Pyves for his leadership as local Wanaka VFF Coordinator over the past difficult year and a half, through mandates and lockdowns, and his good natured approach and enthusiasm for LPFM. He recently passed the torch of VFF leadership in Wanaka on to a wonderful new coordinator.
For more info on the author head over to

Update: Sept 2023:
We’ve temporarily set up this FM unit in Hawea, New Zealand, about 15min from Wanaka, with a few minor tweaks from when this article was originally written:

We’ve added a Logitech Bluetooth Adapter as an interface between the phone/tablet and the FM transmitter. It is normally used to allow you to receive live streaming, but in this case we’re using it to transmit the live stream. Notice also the antenna is not attached to the transmitter. We’ve introduced an 5m/15′ coax cable to the extend the antenna to be cable-tied outside the house, giving us much better range and coverage.

This way, the phone can be anywhere in the house, in this case on my bedside table, taking a charge and out of the way of the transmitter in another room. Any guesses as to what the little device is next to the phone? Like my choice of night-time reading?
A couple of recent important notes from Jay:
1. Be sure to turn plug the antenna into the transmitter before turning on power. Otherwise you can damage the unit.
2. Plug the input cable coming from the phone/tablet into the AUX not the MIC.
3. Adjust the output volume on the unit by using an FM radio and referencing the volume compared to other stations and see where your levels compare to theirs.

Note: This blog post was mistakenly taken down on 20230918 and I’ve had to reconstruct it and repost under a different url. Thanks to the Wayback Machine, I was able to retrieve all the text and images.
Sorry for any inconvenience. Randall

Try this: Vacuum Sealing at Home


Dean Craft, of Wanaka, New Zealand, shares a new discovery of using an automotive tool called a brake vacuum pump plus, a “Foodsaver jar sealer”.
You’ll want to use canning/preserving jars, available in most grocery stores. This is a fast and easy way to preserve foods. We hadn’t heard about this until Dean popped by Mountain Spirit yesterday and showed us.

You can purchase the brake vacuum pump, in NZ, here:

The vacuum sealer kit can be purchased here:

Good luck, and let us know how your food storage goes!

Christine Sedon: On a mission of Calmness and Common Sense

Christine Sedon, on water, health, passports and the global reset

Handouts Which Make A Difference


Warrick Stubbs’ little cards are a work-around from the Mainstream Media Narrative. In this video he shares his vision and tricks he has learned to get these little info cards into the hands of people that may just be interested in shifting their points of view about mask wearing.

“Eyewitness Testimony” 1969 to Present


Livestream Event, Hawea/Wanaka NZ, June 11, 2022
Watch the recorded event here
By Randall Richards, Mountain Spirit Media
I come from a state in the US that took freedom rather seriously in the past. Rather than having “Sunny Florida”, or the “Scenic Montana” or “The greatest snow on earth”, we have “Live free or die” on our license plates…See? *[I’m not lying. Here’s my license plate from NH. Which, by the way costs $40 compared to the $600 (rumour has it) charge here in New Zealand for such “vanity plates]

New Hampshire’s license plate means business – You either make it or your don’t. I used to drive around Europe in a van with this NH registered this license plate. People couldn’t get their head around it back then in the ’80’s. Wonder what the reception would be now?

I’ve been a New Zealander now, for a while, complete with citizenship, but this Yankee still can’t make a good cup of tea. Must be because my clan in New England threw those British crates of tea over the side into Boston harbor to protest the Tea Tax

The title of this is Eyewitness Testimony is Gold and starts in 1969 when I was 11 ys old. I promise I’ll finish in 7 min

My Uncle Curt was a 4-star general in the Army’s Corp of Engineers. He was a career man, graduated top of his class at Westpoint, and was in WWII, N Korea, and served as an assistant to the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the Pentagon.  His chopper was shot down in the Vietnam War. He survived to tell about it,  and I remember him using a portion of the helicopter blade as a coffeetable. 

He, like others in the top brass, were wary of the emerging NWO. At family Fourth-of-July picnics, he would warn us of the newly formed Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral  Commission.  Keep in mind this is the late ‘60s.
I remember wondering if he was a bit nuts.  Over the years, I would pop by his house and we’d discuss the latest conspiracies from his perspective. It was deep.

I don’t know if he influenced me on this, but I became a local reporter in my early teens, and in my late teens became an apprentice as a “Stringer” for United Press International as a photojournalist.
New Hampshire was the first primary state, so all the presidential candidates would file through. I was trained, by Suki Coughlin on how to make my subjects comfortable from behind the lens, and get in there for the newsworthy shot, which we’d later put up on “The Wire’ sort of a precursor to the fax machine.

So here I was, living in two worlds, one, of my Uncle’s reports, and the other, mainstream media on the national level. It led me to call up the local WMUR-TV station and ask the manager. “Hey, why don’t you cover that George Bush is in the Tri-lateral commission or Council on Foreign relations?” His reply was, “Randall, we’d love to, and I agree it should be covered, but the FCC would yank our license so fast, “the following morning” if we covered that on the nightly news.” were his exact words.
I made more phone calls, learning the Federal Reserve wasn’t really Federal, and that the IRS’s tax is based on “voluntary compliance”.

Over the years, I did the “long view research approach”. Finding and reading The Money Trust, by Rep Charles Lindbergh Sr. (his son was the famous pilot), None Dare call it conspiracy, by Gary Allen, and Creature from Jekyll Island, by Edward G. Griffin.

A side note about Griffin – When asked in a recent interview, “How do you keep so well centered? You seem at peace and well composed, after writing a such book based on nasty stuff. “
I decided a long time ago,” replied Griffin, “that I am not the material I’ve written. I have my family life, my spiritual practice and I separate the two.”

I also listened to Dave VonKleist, Alex Jones, and the late William Cooper (author of Behold a Pale Horse) and personally got to know Ed Brown a constitutional ranger also in Sullivan County New Hampshire. All of them would throw their hands up in the air, and basically say “Wake the Hell up!”

Ed, in his offensive way said to me once, before they took him away, locked him up and threw away the key said, “It’s all very good you’re interested in this conspiracy stuff, but what are you actually doing about it?” I took offence and was a bit speechless. In retrospect though, these guys, and a bit like our host here tonight, may not have been gruff enough! There’s a place for that. It’s not my style, but it needs to be said.
We’re in a full infowar.

It used to be funny saying:
“If you’re not on the fringe you’re taking up room.” And…
“It’s a free country as long as you do what they tell you.
It’s not so funny now, but I do keep my sense of humour. Because you can’t make this stuff up!
I used to call my research “a hobby”,  “a sideline”. I would treat any conspiracy as “the 3rd rail” on my blog I’ve had for 14 years. I wouldn’t touch it. 

Now,  I don’t care what people think.
Maybe it took the mandates, or the protest in Wellington.

Fast forward to the South Island Convoy.
We never planned to go all the way to Wellington. But after seeing those people in Ashburton, so many people on the sides of the road, the ChCh overpasses, and rolling into that paddock turned campground in ChCh, it was like Woodstock without the drugs. People hugging each other, food caravans and porta-loos popping up in the middle of a field.

Then we got the ferry to Wellington with my family, with our “antigen tests”. The lady behind the counter in Picton, looked at us, from under her glasses looked at our “tests” on the phone, back at us. The uncomfortable pause, and finally, “You can go on the boat now…” I felt like “Papers Please.”

Day 1 Wellington, I knew I had to dust off my reporting skills, (although I had been regularly doing my blog, and reporting what I’d been seeing on the South Island, I clearly saw this was going to be historic and needed to be covered) I briefly had the absurd thought to call UPI again and see if they needed me to cover this for them Then I realized the absurdity of idea – They’d only want me to cover it from the globalist point of view!

So, I decided to start a Telegram channel and get back in the saddle of breaking news coverage. Instead of a slew of cameras around my neck, I had my cell phone, lots of SD cards and battery packs. I interviewed lots of people. I must have interviewed the wrong people, I must have been over the target. Because my Telegram acct got data wiped, and my phone was remotely data locked. With effort I was able to retrieve my interviews, but it took some clever I.T. work here in Wanaka to get it back. I’m still in the process of rebuilding my own media empire. That’s a dad joke by the way.

So why is Eyewitness testimony  Gold?
Because at times, there were up to 25K people (on weekends) at Wellington, and that’s not counting the ebb and flow of those coming and going. They, all saw one thing, and then immediately saw the controlled media say another. A lot of it captured by phones,

The good news? All those people went home and told family and friends what they saw. NZ is a small enough country that once you get Kiwi’s attention, get them riled up, news travels fast. It’s not like the states.
So I’m very optimistic.
We can’t beat the media at their own game. But we can do is an end run around them.

Of that I’m sure. The truth will come out.

There are creative way’s like Warrick Stubb’s little handout cards, and collaboration, sharing stories. As I speak other freedom reporters are collecting stories and eye witness testimonies, which are gold. Thanks for listening, and…
Keep up the good work
* Ed: Added into this blog after the speech.