Posts Tagged ‘Alex Jones’

Truth & Lies in Wanaka New Zealand


By Randall Richards
Yesterday, I attended an “Aspiring Conversations” event called “Truth and Lies*” which is part of Wanaka, “Festival of Colour” held periodically in this small but growing town on New Zealand’s South Island. I, and about twenty-five friends who are concerned about threats to free speech and government overreach, had bought the $25 ticket to hear four people on stage discuss what their webpage describes as follows
“How do we know what is true and how do we deal with the misinformation and disinformation that plagues not just social media, but public life.”

Truth and Lies speakers lineup, clockwise from upper left: Susie Ferguson, Kate Hannah (no show), Byron Clarke and Siouxsie Wiles.

The webpage gave the speakers’ backgrounds: “Susie Ferguson has recently produced a podcast series called Undercurrents. Kate Hannah (no-show) is the director of the Disinformation Project. Byron C Clarke is an expert on the far right and has just written Fear: New Zealand’s Hostile World of ExtremistsSiouxsie Wiles is a science communicator who has been targeted by the alt right.” The event was hosted by Radio New Zealand host Kathryn Ryan

I was dreading going to the event. I was tempted to bring a barf bag in protest but decided at the last minute to nix that idea. I felt as if I were going into the den of lions. The thought of attending this talk brought a mild feeling of nausea. When I found a seat in the audience, I grew a bit anxious, as what looked like a largely retired, but woke population, started to fill the auditorium. As a group, my friends and I agreed we’d be respectful of their guidelines, (besides we discovered when Kathryn Ryan was reading the ground rules, that “Any disruptions from the audience would result in being escorted out by security personnel.” A friend from Arrowtown, NZ, who didn’t get our memo, did speak out loudly once, when Siouxsie Wiles stated on stage that there were minimal adverse effects of the Covid19 “vaccine”. He spoke up loudly, saying, “What about the skyrocketing excess deaths reported?” He was rewarded by a security guard coming to the end of his row and glowering at him with a threatening look of, “Don’t do that again, or you’re out of here.”

A last minute email sent out to ticket-holders the day before the event stated, that if we’d like to submit questions to be considered, they’d have to be emailed in prior. So that evening we, as a group, decided to submit the following questions:

1. What are the panel’s views on Dr. Michael Kelly’s recent article that calculated it would cost New Zealand $500 BILLION to implement the climate change actions being proposed by our Government?

2. Does the panel regard it to be “true” that the Covid vaccine was “safe and effective?”

3. What is the panel’s opinion of NZ’s Bill of Rights which states that: “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

4. What level of C02 is acceptable to members of this panel when ice samples show that the planet currently has its lowest ever levels of CO2 levels in the last 70 million years?

5. What is the panel’s opinion regarding the refusal of our ministry of Health to release the true data on the vaccination injury statistics and all-cause mortality figures over the last 4 years?

6. Why does the panel think advertisers are withdrawing from mainstream media in their droves, causing their collapse?

7. Can members of the panel please confirm, in public that you do not receive any funding from third parties like the UN, WHO or Governmental or university bodies – either directly or indirectly?

There was no Q&A section of the presentation.
Knowing, this might be the case, we printed out copies of the questions to hand out to the audience as they exited the building with the following additional background printed on the front:

Questions for the Truth & Lies Panel Discussion
Some concerned people in the Otago region are planning to ask these 7 questions at the Truth and Lies discussion event on the 6th of April, which is slated to be part of Wanaka’s Aspiring Conversations, at The Festival of Colour.
We, as individuals, will request these questions be answered during the Q&A portion of the event, if there is such a portion. If not, we will ask the panel if they will answer the questions in the room, immediately after the event.
If the panel will not address the questions after the event, we will present these questions to them with a request to respond via email, and will also hand out copies of this document to the attendees as they exit the event.
We’re hopeful the discussion panel will hear our concerns, and we look forward to hearing their answers

We also included their mission of the event:

From the Festival of Colour Website:

“Our vision is to create an extraordinary platform that inspires, entertains, and challenges, fostering community well-being. Through diverse performances, thought-provoking discussions, and interactive events, we aim to engage our community and captivate individuals from all walks of life. Our dynamic programme showcases both established and emerging artists, representing Aotearoa’s artistic and cultural landscape alongside international acts.

We believe in the transformative power of the arts to spark conversations, challenge perceptions, and connect people. Alongside showcasing incredible performances that move our audiences, our festivals stimulate dialogue on critical issues, encouraging reflection and exploration of new ideas, encouraging personal growth, cultural understanding, and social cohesion. (emphasis added by author)

I’m sorry to say the event fell far short of ticking any of the boxes I highlight above. On the contrary, the event encouraged conformative non-critical thinking by oversimplifying major issues of the day such as the use of the internet and the Telegram platform in particular. At one point, Susie Ferguson stated she was “given a tour of Telegrams groups” as if it were some sort of foreign dark web element of our society. It is not.
Byron Clarke stated “Be skeptical and stick to broadcasting standards.” I say, keep an open mind, and follow your nose. Someone recently is quoted as saying, people know the truth when they see it, they can smell it.” Another quote oft attributed to Mark Twain, “A lie gets half way around the world before truth gets a chance to put its pants on.” Maintaining an open, curious mind today is mandatory to stay healthy and at peace.

My twelve year son, who attended the event, picked up on the overall feeling of fear from the panel members, and he was right. Clarke earlier stated, “We’re in worrying times when our landscape of news media is changing with fake news, fake info, on the internet which is considered the truth”. The audience then sighed or gasped. I had the distinct feeling I was in a paddock of sheep.
Clarke added the example of “The protest of the mandates in Wellington are signs of worrying times, when they could have been protesting for a more worthy cause”. He continued, “While reputable newscasts are behind some sort of paywalls, (TV subscriptions, advertising, etc) the internet is free, such as New Zealand’s own Counterspin Media, Reality Check Radio, Voice Media, my own blog and Infowars and TCN the U.S. to name a few. (For the record, the above excluding my own and Counterspin, have paid elements of their services. Voice Media is virtually a full paid subscription service and TCN has much of its content behind a paywall). The mainstream military industrial media globalist complex gets paid to lie and create the mess, we have to volunteer or scrounge for donations to clean up the mess. I, and others in truth* media, can speak from experience that countering the narrative doesn’t pay well. Without corporate sponsors, even the “founding father” of truth media, Alex Jones, has to promote his health line of supplements to stay on air. He doesn’t receive government grants as does RNZ and other “Old Fashioned Media, OFM” here in New Zealand.

The moderator brought up our Bill of Rights in NZ, and the right to free speech. That was a curious exchange, with Souixsie Wiles stating in effect, that free speech is not an absolute, that when someone says something which could end up killing someone with misinformation (regarding the pandemic), this is not a right. This sparked a few comments from the audience. Rightfully so.

Byron incorrectly stated that “people who are online too much are susceptible , That’s why the pandemic blew things up for a certain percentage of the population. My feeling is that what they’re reading online justifies violence, and the material appeals to those that don’t trust authority.” Firstly, violence is never justified, and yes, there surely must be a small percentage of unbalanced individuals who advocate violence on the internet. But to the bigger picture, correct me if I’m wrong, is it not only our right, but our responsibility to have a healthy distrust our government? The founding fathers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence certainly accounted for that when they constructed the constitution.

Going back to what my 12-yr old picked up, that the panelists seemed fearful, and “not in a good way” as he put it. “They weren’t healthy and happy looking like our friends” he stated. “They seemed like they had low energy.” My read on the situation confirms his perceptions.

I had a cathartic experience at the event. I had never seen any of these people in person before. Once I saw them on stage, I felt empathy for them. All I wanted to do was somehow reach out to them, either on or off the record. It was helpful hearing their story to understand where they are coming from. It’s clear they are troubled and don’t have the full picture. As I’ve written in previous articles, and stated on stage, I was brought up in an extended family who had a healthy distrust (but also respect) of the U.S. government and military. My uncle was a 4-star general in the army and worked in the Pentagon as an aide to the Joint Chiefs of Staff. He told me about the reality of Washington DC and the power structures. It’s mainly what got me interested in being a United Press International photojournalists in my late teens and early ’20’s. It’s also what got me interested in finding out the back-story of how things work, by making my own investigative phone calls, and receiving answers I didn’t want to hear by our state-owned media and institutions.

Last night, all I could do was feel compassion for these ill-informed panelists who know not what they do. Well, maybe they do. The saying, “they’re either being played or being paid” holds true here. Despite that, all I saw were humans on stage, who were mirroring in statements, (to a much greater degree than my friends and I feel), some of the same issues we felt when being mandated out of public places or fired from our jobs. The people on stage made comments such as, “I feel afraid to speak out for fear of reprisals, for losing my job, for losing friendships.” All I saw was a mirror of myself, in an exaggerated form. As a caveat, I would say, I’m not really fearful, and at this point, I don’t care what people think of my opinions. That’s one of the advantages of getting older.
This cast of characters on stage might even be “in on the take”. So what? It is what it is. It doesn’t mean we don’t stand outside the venue with posters showing photographs of vaccine injured individuals who have suffered greatly, to help open people’s eyes. But it does mean we have compassion for those that haven’t yet seen the whole truth. It’s like being upset at someone for having a cold or illness. How can you? It seems on the surface, they have a choice in the matter, but they don’t have a choice until they break free of the conditioning. It’s not their fault. It’s a condition of the times. An exciting time to be a journalist and a writer. I can tell you that much!

Reactions from a friend about the “Truth and Lies” event in Wanaka, NZ, and others with posters of “vaccine” injured victims who have either died or now have serious side effects.

Friends share posters of the vaccine injured. More info can be found at

Author’s Note:
*I was tempted to include in this article, that the title should have been called “Lies and More Lies” which I think is funny, but it implies the panel members know that they’re lying, and I can at least tell, with certainty, they’re not seeing the whole picture. Whether it’s intentional or not, at least at this level I’m not sure. Look up “Hegelian Dialectic.”
This just in: Just received this text from a friend who was not able to attend the event:
“Hi Randall, Looks like you all made a bit of an impact with the pants on fire crowd.”
Oh good, I look forward to hearing more!

Update: I’ve been hearing some really good comments from my community here in Wanaka, and encourage you, and those beyond the area, to comment in section below or on my Farcebook page as well to stir the pot.

The Alex Jones Interview, with Tucker Carlson


I had been listening to Alex Jones on shortwave radio, before he was on the internet, maybe before there was internet. Watch this interview, and you will learn something. It even may be your gateway to the truth. Although I’ve written about this before, it’s worth repeating, that caustic characters, (which at times, Jones can be) in retrospect, weren’t caustic enough. People like Edward Brown in NH, the late William Cooper and Jones, were and are simply trying to slap us out of our hypnotized stupor. Ed Brown actually said to my face, before he was locked up and they threw away the key, “It’s all very nice that you’re researching the truth, and treating it as “a hobby” (which I did until a few years ago), “But what are you actually doing about the situation we now find ourselves in?” I took offence to this side-arm toting stalwart’s comment. But in retrospect, he had a point. Now I respectfully say what’s on my mind, because I have just as much right to do so as anyone. I’m also doing more, which I’ll share in another post soon, but for now….

Tucker Carlson’s intro transcript:
“We have a ruling class in the United States defined by its hatreds. Not its loves, not its hopes, but by its hatreds. They hate all kinds of people, large groups of people: the deplorables, the bitter clingers, America’s entire blue-collar population, the unfashionable people. They’re hated by the people who run our country.

But no one is hated more by them than a man called Alex Jones. Alex Jones is the single-most-censored man in all American history. He was the first media figure in our history to be completely erased in one day. De-platformed. Alex Jones was de-platformed before it was a common term. And not just de-platformed — sued, attacked. They attempted to criminally charge him.

It’s worth a watch. It’s important.

What did Alex Jones do wrong? Alex Jones didn’t rape anybody. He didn’t loot Macy’s. He didn’t burn a police station. He didn’t invent a fake cryptocurrency and loot pension funds. He didn’t start a pointless war that made this country poorer and more disorganized. He didn’t open the southern border. No. Alex Jones had opinions that deeply rattled the people who run America. In fact, rattled a lot of us.

And I’ll just confess that I first heard of Alex Jones when he questioned the official story behind 9/11. And I, speaking for myself, was deeply offended by this. I didn’t take any time to find out what he was saying, but I was bothered by the idea that this defining event in American history, which changed the life of everyone who lived here then, might not actually have unfolded as we were told it did. And that possibility was too destabilizing. And I remember feeling resentment toward Alex Jones for saying that.

But several years later, I went up in Austin, Texas, and through a chain of circumstances, wound up meeting Alex Jones. And I learned what everyone who has met him now knows, which is Alex Jones is not a crazy person. Alex Jones has said pretty far out things on TV from time to time. Not that far out. He hasn’t said men can become women or Ukraine is a democracy. But within the bounds of, say, cable news, pretty far out.

But fundamentally, Alex Jones is right about a lot of things. And, in fact, that’s why they don’t like him. Alex Jones has an uncanny, really an amazing ability to predict events before they happen. He has called it and he’s done it on tape again and again, to the point where it’s a meme on the Internet. “Alex Jones prophet,” not conspiracy nut, prophet. But when you dig into Alex Jones’s predictions, they are so spot-on that it’s remarkable.

How does he do this? We’re guessing there’s a kind of spiritual sensitivity to Alex Jones. Maybe that’s his secret. He was displaying this years before the average person in this country even thought about matters like that. Now it’s pretty obvious to most people that the current war going on in this country is taking place in ways you can’t see it most of the time. But ten years ago, people were not thinking that way. Alex Jones was. And so, we thought it’d be interesting to sit down and talk to Alex Jones, the man. He joins us now in our studio.”

Tom Renz & Tucker Carlson Call it Straight


By Randall Richards
If you don’t listen to anything else but these two people speak this week, and also share, you’re doing a good thing. Listen to the ad-free the audio file below:
Tom Renz is a prominent U.S. attorney, political commentator, educator and businessman. He has gained national attention for his work challenging the pandemic related policies and mandates as well as advocation for individual liberties, medical freedom and informed choice.

Tom Renz on Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson speaking recently. Both are incredibly powerful deliveries which are on audio file below.

Tucker Carlson who was recently fired from Fox News as a news-show host, because his views didn’t fit the narrative, now has a feed on Twitter/X.
Renz was a recent guest on the Alex Jones Show. On that same episode, Jones also played the audio version of Carlson’s recent speech.
These are two audio files you might want to share with anyone awake, to help them with a sense of perspective, to semi-awake people to help them over the fence, and even to those asleep as a Red Pill.

Meet The Real Neal Fox


Where to begin with this story. I guess from the beginning, which is always the best place.
I don’t use Farcebook much anymore – mostly to post images and video clips of our retreat center here in New Zealand. While doing so, a well-marketed add popped up about learning how to perfect your home-studio recording skills called “From Concept to Creation, with the catchy title, “All Music Matters.” The dude teaching the course has great cred, (see his bio here) so I took the plunge and signed on and paid my tuition. It’s been the best money I’ve ever spent but I’ll also be putting a bit more in the donation box located on his site.)

A few things caught my eye. First was a t-shirt Neal was wearing while teaching the course – hmm. The shirt had an American bald eagle and the second one, which he was wearing on today’s lesson stated “I AM FREE”.
I stored that info away, but didn’t give it much thought, as I’m a busy guy..

A guy with a cool T-Shirt, sending a message.

The whammy was when, on the second lesson, he invites his students to download his latest album for free, which is included in the course, entitled “Unhinged“. “Hmm” I thought, then when opened the file, I saw the songlist: (listen in the links below)

  1. Unhinged
  2. Insanity Was Throwing a Party
  3. Fishy
  4. Truth Matters
  5. The Good in Us
  6. Dear Facebook
  7. My Special Girl
  8. After the Great Reset
  9. You Have the Right
  10. That Rabbit Hole

Duh”… then I knew we were on the same page, and I promptly shot off an email to Neal:
“Hi Neal,
Greetings from New Zealand.
Buying your course was the best money I’ve ever spent.
I love your teaching style, and am resonating with your warm-hearted demeanor. Thanks for that, I’m especially glad I signed up and am supporting another person not afraid to write songs that matter!
I was suspect when I saw your T-shirt with the American Eagle, then opening up the Unhinged zip file, and seeing the titles confirmed I was dealing with a cool dude…”

Then today I actually saw this image pop-up at the end of today’s section on Neal’s online course. That’s when I knew I had to get writing this blog piece.

I mean, look at that cover art (below)! Neal has a “take no prisoners’ approach to stating the obvious. At the risk of losing a student or two, he forges ahead with an edgy album which makes my efforts, in the alt media seem whimpy! God bless him! I’ve known about the backstory for over 5 decades, since I was about 13 yrs old, and now feel I could have been much more edgy and forthright, rather than treating globalist research as a hobby.

Screenshot re-published with permission of Neal Fox

And then a deeper look on his website shows he’s not only created tons of albums with such names as Now It’s Personal, Songs for the New Revolution and Thank You Dan Rather. But there’s an award-winning film, The Conspiracy Project I really look forward to seeing.
Aside from taking his course, there’s much to explore on his website.
A first stop will be a video clip “Why I wrote Unhinged

Fox: “People ask me if my UNHINGED album is about politics. It’s not. It’s about Human Rights, Freedom, Liberty.

In Neal’s email reply, in closing, he wrote,, “I’ve been heavily shadow-banned for years so the only way I get views or subscriptions is through word of mouth. So if you haven’t already, please subscribe:

So I’m hoping, dear reader, you’ll subscribe and pass on the good word, because, as Neal signed off in his email, “Don’t hesitate to keep in touch. We need to stick together.”

Neal’s the real deal. I’ve written in previous posts that some past and current names in the “conspiracy fact” movement have been very non-apologetic for their uncompromising stance for the truth. William Cooper author of “Behold a Pale Horse“, Ed Brown of Sullivan County New Hampshire, and today’s Alex Jones, New Zealand’s Kelvyn Alp of Counterspin are gruff. In hindsight, these guys were/are not gruff enough.

While I don’t group Neal Fox in the “abrasive category”, his prolific work and actions, standing for what’s obviously the truth in these crazy times, stands on it’s own merit as self evident. His lovely New “Yourk” accent, while not on a Gerald Celente scale, still makes you want to sit up and pay attention, especially in his online class when he says, “Now the next section is short, but important, so listen up”. Joking aside, he’s got a heart of gold, which comes through in his teachings, and I encourage the reader to download/stream his albums, subscribe to his Youtube channel and delve into his in-depth website, a treasure trove of truth. If I were a globalist, I’d be afraid of likes of Neal Fox. Plus, he’s a great teacher on how to sharpen and learn one’s home studio recording techniques.
Stay tuned, as I’d love to interview Neal at some point. Since I don’t forsee him coming to New Zealand in the near future, readers will have to accept a Zoom interview. I look forward to the possibility of sitting down with Neal. I’ll keep you posted.

For those that want a great home-studio course here’s the link to All Music Matters

Alex Jones Interviews Parents of Baby Will & Liz Gunn


Will Savage-Reeves is a 4-month old boy in New Zealand who is in need of heart surgery to repair pulmonary valve stenosis. His parents Samantha (Sam) and Cole want him to have the surgery but they insist that the hospital use blood from dedicated donors that have not received the COVID-19 jabs. This blood is available but the doctors refuse to allow the parents to make this request (read the rest of this story here)
Special thanks to James Roguski for setting up the webpage where you will see all updates on the situation here in New Zealand.

Listen below, to the full ad-free Alex Jones interview with Liz Gunn and the parents of Will Savage-Reeves’ parents Samantha and Cole broadcast on the 7th of Deember, 2022

Huge thanks go to the supporters of Baby Will Savage Reeves and his family, Reporter Liz Gunn of , Lawyer Sue Grey, and others (many from NZ Rising, a directory group of freedom groups in New Zealand) working behind the scenes actively lend support. Lastly, but not least, thanks to Kelvyn and Hanna of Counterspin Media for all their hard work and passion.

Image Credit: Liz Gunn,