Posts Tagged ‘NWO’

RFK Jr Tells it Like it is


This Is Important: Two Sharp Minds Discuss Reality


By Randall Richards
If you’re still trying to figure out whether you’ve been fooled by the powers that be, or, you don’t want to know, then you owe it to yourself to watch this interview. Put aside your preconceptions of Tucker Carlson, and Russell Brand. Step outside your normal narrative, your normal media box, and consider what these two sharp minds are discussing. You just may come away with a broader perspective, an awakened world view. I’m sorry to say, you’ve been fooled, and lied to. As hard as it is to believe, I ask that you consider the possibility that the government does not have your best interest in mind.

Recently I’ve encountered a few people in my day that have been know-it-alls. They simply can’t understand how anyone could think reality is other than the way they perceive it. In short, anyone who thinks Trump did anything good, is a nut job. While I wouldn’t want to spend a weekend with him, and frankly will be voting for RFK Jr, not Trump, Orange Man is not bad. He’s strange, but it’s almost beside the point what my view of Trump is. I’m probably ideologically a liberal at heart, but that train left the station a long time ago. The left is unrecognizable now to what it once was. RFJ Jr will tell you that.
So I ask again, take off the blinders. I’d rather wear a tinfoil hat, (metaphor) than blinders. Good luck with your journey, and if you have questions, I’ll be here for you.

The Alex Jones Interview, with Tucker Carlson


I had been listening to Alex Jones on shortwave radio, before he was on the internet, maybe before there was internet. Watch this interview, and you will learn something. It even may be your gateway to the truth. Although I’ve written about this before, it’s worth repeating, that caustic characters, (which at times, Jones can be) in retrospect, weren’t caustic enough. People like Edward Brown in NH, the late William Cooper and Jones, were and are simply trying to slap us out of our hypnotized stupor. Ed Brown actually said to my face, before he was locked up and they threw away the key, “It’s all very nice that you’re researching the truth, and treating it as “a hobby” (which I did until a few years ago), “But what are you actually doing about the situation we now find ourselves in?” I took offence to this side-arm toting stalwart’s comment. But in retrospect, he had a point. Now I respectfully say what’s on my mind, because I have just as much right to do so as anyone. I’m also doing more, which I’ll share in another post soon, but for now….

Tucker Carlson’s intro transcript:
“We have a ruling class in the United States defined by its hatreds. Not its loves, not its hopes, but by its hatreds. They hate all kinds of people, large groups of people: the deplorables, the bitter clingers, America’s entire blue-collar population, the unfashionable people. They’re hated by the people who run our country.

But no one is hated more by them than a man called Alex Jones. Alex Jones is the single-most-censored man in all American history. He was the first media figure in our history to be completely erased in one day. De-platformed. Alex Jones was de-platformed before it was a common term. And not just de-platformed — sued, attacked. They attempted to criminally charge him.

It’s worth a watch. It’s important.

What did Alex Jones do wrong? Alex Jones didn’t rape anybody. He didn’t loot Macy’s. He didn’t burn a police station. He didn’t invent a fake cryptocurrency and loot pension funds. He didn’t start a pointless war that made this country poorer and more disorganized. He didn’t open the southern border. No. Alex Jones had opinions that deeply rattled the people who run America. In fact, rattled a lot of us.

And I’ll just confess that I first heard of Alex Jones when he questioned the official story behind 9/11. And I, speaking for myself, was deeply offended by this. I didn’t take any time to find out what he was saying, but I was bothered by the idea that this defining event in American history, which changed the life of everyone who lived here then, might not actually have unfolded as we were told it did. And that possibility was too destabilizing. And I remember feeling resentment toward Alex Jones for saying that.

But several years later, I went up in Austin, Texas, and through a chain of circumstances, wound up meeting Alex Jones. And I learned what everyone who has met him now knows, which is Alex Jones is not a crazy person. Alex Jones has said pretty far out things on TV from time to time. Not that far out. He hasn’t said men can become women or Ukraine is a democracy. But within the bounds of, say, cable news, pretty far out.

But fundamentally, Alex Jones is right about a lot of things. And, in fact, that’s why they don’t like him. Alex Jones has an uncanny, really an amazing ability to predict events before they happen. He has called it and he’s done it on tape again and again, to the point where it’s a meme on the Internet. “Alex Jones prophet,” not conspiracy nut, prophet. But when you dig into Alex Jones’s predictions, they are so spot-on that it’s remarkable.

How does he do this? We’re guessing there’s a kind of spiritual sensitivity to Alex Jones. Maybe that’s his secret. He was displaying this years before the average person in this country even thought about matters like that. Now it’s pretty obvious to most people that the current war going on in this country is taking place in ways you can’t see it most of the time. But ten years ago, people were not thinking that way. Alex Jones was. And so, we thought it’d be interesting to sit down and talk to Alex Jones, the man. He joins us now in our studio.”

Tom Renz & Tucker Carlson Call it Straight


By Randall Richards
If you don’t listen to anything else but these two people speak this week, and also share, you’re doing a good thing. Listen to the ad-free the audio file below:
Tom Renz is a prominent U.S. attorney, political commentator, educator and businessman. He has gained national attention for his work challenging the pandemic related policies and mandates as well as advocation for individual liberties, medical freedom and informed choice.

Tom Renz on Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson speaking recently. Both are incredibly powerful deliveries which are on audio file below.

Tucker Carlson who was recently fired from Fox News as a news-show host, because his views didn’t fit the narrative, now has a feed on Twitter/X.
Renz was a recent guest on the Alex Jones Show. On that same episode, Jones also played the audio version of Carlson’s recent speech.
These are two audio files you might want to share with anyone awake, to help them with a sense of perspective, to semi-awake people to help them over the fence, and even to those asleep as a Red Pill.

NZ’s Counterspin Media Team Host the AJ Show Today


Hats off to both Kelvyn Alp and Hannah Spierer for sharing New Zealand’s year in review on the worldwide broadcast of the Alex Jones Show. The couple hosted the fourth hour of the show today, highlighting some of the more important events of the past year. This is important because Jones’ show reaches millions, and by sharing the antics here in NZ during the past year, the word gets out, and the NZ government, and Jacinda Adhern in particular, hate that.

I’ve been listening to Mr. Jones for years, on shortwave radio, before he was streaming on the internet. So it’s a full circle having our own Kelvyn and Hannah on the show, surreal in fact. The truth is getting harder to suppress – we’re living in interesting times! I’m fond of saying, often attributed to Mark Twain, “A lie gets half way around the world before truth has time to put its pants on.” But we’re catching up.

You can listen here on this ad-free audio file. And don’t forget to share.

Rogan & Gabbard, Don’t Miss This Interview


Calling it Like She Sees It:
In episode #1880 of the Joe Rogan Show, (Spotify) he interviews Tulsi Gabbard, a Former US Representative and US presidential candidate, Iraq War veteran, political commentator, and host of the podcast “This is Tulsi Gabbard.” She recently left the Democratic party, stating, ” It’s no longer the party of JFK’s time.” The interview covers the waterfront from how decisions are made in Washington and globally, to the LGBQT agenda for children in schools and libraries, to how things really go down in the Ukraine and how war is good for business (Military Industrial Complex), to a possible outcome of the current conflicts heating up. Gabbard tells it like it is, You won’t want to miss her candid views and Rogan’s sharp interview style.

States Seek to Depose Fauci, Other Top Officials


Plaintiffs in a high-profile case that’s uncovered evidence of collusion between Big Tech and government officials to censor users are seeking to depose 10 top officials, including Dr. Anthony Fauci. Read more of this story:

Image credit:

What It’s Like Being Censored


JP Sears has been a family favorite for a few years now. My wife first turned me onto him a few years ago with his classic video, “How to be Ultra Spiritual” and his spoof on how to irritate people by being vegan. If you haven’t seen his work, check out his website and his Youtube channel, while it’s still is there.

I attended an Eckhart Tolle retreat in Australia a couple of years ago, and Mr. Tolle had a wonderful “Evening of Spiritual Entertainment” multimedia presentation. Sears’ post about Tolle was included in the evening. I wrote to Sears, letting him know Tolle thought highly enough of his video to include it in his presentation. Sears was thrilled.

JP has really stepped up to the plate with this recent post. He’s effective not only because he has done his homework, is intelligent and gets the point across, but does it through humor. He’s recently been censored on Youtube and he didn’t take to it lightly.

JP Sears calls it like he sees it about censorship and free speech, and our rights.

It’s time for us all to step up our game, and protect our inalienable rights of free speech. I’ve considered my acquaintance with an alternative narrative, introduced to be me by my uncle in the late ’60’s, as a hobby. I’ve certainly looked into the alternative press, read history books, and personally interviewed “radicals” and made my own phone calls. Those interviews and phone calls were an eye opener, which confirmed my uncle’s views and insights. More in him in another post. Now it can no longer be considered a hobby. Now it is time to speak up, at age 62, I have a 9 year old, and I want him to know I also spoke up in the year 2020. I have accumlated too much information over the years not to speak up. If you have inside info, I suggest you do the same. Thanks JP for this inspiration. This blog has formally been restricted to Mountain Spirit’s wide mission statement, but in light of the recent events, it’s clear this subject falls under our mission to help reconnect to others, ones self, and nature by further the cause of freedom. So I hope you “enjoy” upcoming posts about my personal history, and knowledge of the NWO. I’ll back it up with personal experiences, and fact. I feel it’s my duty to forge ahead with what I have known for over 45+ years.
More to follow on this subject.