Archive for May, 2023

Dr. David Martin Testifies at EU Parliament: History of Covid Gain of Function Bioweapons

This is not news, it’s just finally getting through the main stream media smokescreen of censorship. Interestingly, a search for this video on Youtube shows only a banner: “COVID-19: Get the latest info from the New Zealand Govt about Covid-19.” “Our single source of truth“. As we say here in NZ, ” Yeah, Nah”

Dr David Martin is the founder and owner of the company M-CAM International which has provided research and corporate advisory services to over 160 countries and he has personally served as an advisor to the World Bank and many governments.

From Dr. David Martin spoke before the European Parliament in Brussels at the International Covid Summit recently, stating the COVID-19 coronavirus was “accidentally or intentionally released.”
He testified that The intention was to create widespread acceptance of vaccines through initiation of a world-wide pandemic.

This, from Value
Dr. Martin presented the following provocative, evidence-based points through an in-depth timeline:
1965: The coronavirus, a modifiable agent which causes disease, was discovered by scientists. “Later we started learning how to modify a coronavirus by putting them in animals such as dogs and pigs,” Dr. Martin stated.
1990: Pfizer’s first coronavirus spike protein vaccine is founded based on the animal modification practice. Soon after, drug makers discovered that coronavirus vaccines did not work. “Because….read more here>

Again, I quote (often attributed to Mark Twain) “A lie can get half way around the world before the Truth has a chance to get its pants on.
Randall Richards, Bio at