Archive for September, 2020

What It’s Like Being Censored


JP Sears has been a family favorite for a few years now. My wife first turned me onto him a few years ago with his classic video, “How to be Ultra Spiritual” and his spoof on how to irritate people by being vegan. If you haven’t seen his work, check out his website and his Youtube channel, while it’s still is there.

I attended an Eckhart Tolle retreat in Australia a couple of years ago, and Mr. Tolle had a wonderful “Evening of Spiritual Entertainment” multimedia presentation. Sears’ post about Tolle was included in the evening. I wrote to Sears, letting him know Tolle thought highly enough of his video to include it in his presentation. Sears was thrilled.

JP has really stepped up to the plate with this recent post. He’s effective not only because he has done his homework, is intelligent and gets the point across, but does it through humor. He’s recently been censored on Youtube and he didn’t take to it lightly.

JP Sears calls it like he sees it about censorship and free speech, and our rights.

It’s time for us all to step up our game, and protect our inalienable rights of free speech. I’ve considered my acquaintance with an alternative narrative, introduced to be me by my uncle in the late ’60’s, as a hobby. I’ve certainly looked into the alternative press, read history books, and personally interviewed “radicals” and made my own phone calls. Those interviews and phone calls were an eye opener, which confirmed my uncle’s views and insights. More in him in another post. Now it can no longer be considered a hobby. Now it is time to speak up, at age 62, I have a 9 year old, and I want him to know I also spoke up in the year 2020. I have accumlated too much information over the years not to speak up. If you have inside info, I suggest you do the same. Thanks JP for this inspiration. This blog has formally been restricted to Mountain Spirit’s wide mission statement, but in light of the recent events, it’s clear this subject falls under our mission to help reconnect to others, ones self, and nature by further the cause of freedom. So I hope you “enjoy” upcoming posts about my personal history, and knowledge of the NWO. I’ll back it up with personal experiences, and fact. I feel it’s my duty to forge ahead with what I have known for over 45+ years.
More to follow on this subject.

Slowdown Post #15: Almond Harvest!


During lockdown we had time to pick almonds. You don’t actually pick them, you use long sticks or PVC pipe, and wack them off the branches so they land on a tarp. Just don’t get hit as they fall. It hurts! Then the work of taking off the skin and cracking the shells begins. We’re still looking a good for a good almond cracker, so if anyone knows of one, let us know. Right now, we’re doing the cro-magnum technique of smashing them with a river rock. After they’re out of the shell, we’re ready to make almond butter, almond milk or even eat nuts! We have about 6 almond trees here at Mountain Spirit, and since the nuts keep well, unlike the sweet chestnuts we have, we’re able to enjoy them throughout the winter. @purenewzealand

Slowdown Post #14: Wood Chopping and Stackin


Stoking up for the winter, Conner splits and Jess stacks, nearing the end of a few day’s farm workout plan. Poplar dries quickly, and is quick to light, but its only good for a fire starter. Hardwoods are best for the slow burn. WE debated whether to hire a mechanical splitter, but Conner was happy to have the workout, and since poplar splits so easily, it went fairly quickly. Nevertheless, as you can see, there was quite a bit to split and stack. Living off the grid has its advantages and having warm fires to heat the house is a big one, not to mention the cost savings! purenewzealand#newzealand#wanaka#lovewanaka#mountainspirit