Archive for August, 2023

Meet Kevin Millard, A Humble But Strong Man


I’ve been wanting to repost this image more than any, since my content was taken down at the Wellington protest against mandates. Even before the convoy, before the protests, before the lockdowns, Keven Millard was bucking the system. And this image of him in his store with no mask on, sticks with me to this day. Of all the interviews I did in Wellington and on the Convoy, this stays with me, because Kevin lives in a very, very small town in Southern New Zealand: Tokanui. And it’s often said, “You stand out more in a small town when you stand up”. But Kevin wasn’t afraid, early in the game to stand his ground. After numerous visits from the police he still refused to wear a mask or require his customers to put them on. He basically said, “Screw ’em if they don’t like my choice.” 
I remember the very first day I decided to stop wearing the face diaper. It was also very early on in the game. I was shaking in my boots, In fact a wrote a line in a song about it. So here’s Kevin at his Tokanui Food Centre, doing was he does best, being him. 

Notice the facemask exemption sign posted behind him. We had some good chats while my family and I stayed in the Catlins 
The food at Kevn’s place is basic Southern Fare, but the reading material is excellent, 5 stars.