Archive for March, 2023

James O’Keefe’s New Whistleblower Platform. If I Were a Corrupt Operator, I’d Be Worried


James O’Keefe, founder of Project Veritas, a 501-c-3 non-profit org in the U.S., broke the biggest story of his career on January 25th 2023 when he released an undercover video of Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development, Strategic Operations – mRNA Scientific Planner, with the long headline:
Pfizer Executive: ‘Mutate’ COVID via ‘Directed Evolution’ for Company to Continue Profiting Off of Vaccines,‘COVID is Going to be a Cash Cow for Us’, ‘That is Not What We Say to the Public’, ‘People Won’t Like That’, ‘Don’t Tell Anyone’

The video went viral, and evidently someone didn’t like his effective journalism and got to his board of directors, who promptly fired the O’Keefe from his lead position at Project Veritas. O’Keefe mentioned that when he started Project Veritas, he didn’t realize how important his choice of board members would be. There are numerous accounts of founders being fired from the organization they started. When I started Mountain Spirit Institute in the U.S., I had taken some pointers on the importance of not only a board composition you could trust, but crafting the founding documents and by-laws to protect you down the road. After the ship sails, you have little control of your security in the organization. So it does happen. I just wouldn’t want be the three board members who ousted him.. With a nagging conscious, they’ll clearly be on the wrong side of history.

Not one to take things sitting down, O’Keefe is fired up and ready for the good fight in the arena. It appears that those in power have messed with the wrong fellow. O’Keefe has launched a new website his for-profit business called Okeefe Media Group with the tagline:
“Empowering and equipping a movement of thousands of people like you to report things that are wrong, with the support of an in-house team of elite journalists to bring factual, unbiased stories to light/”
Although the website is live, the full program will launch, appropriately, on July 4 ’23.

I’ve been a fan of O’Keefe for years and watched him grow in confidence and delivery. It’s becoming obvious, that each of us, who are active and have a particular calling in these times to curb government overreach, run by a ship of fools, have arrived in this time with certain skills that brought us to this point in history. It’s clear that O’Keefe is the right person for the job at the right time, and boy, is he pissed. Listen below to this recent interview about his plans to exponentially grow the concept of undercover whistle blowing by putting little cameras in the hands of qualified journalists.

His motto on the old Project Veritas site, before he was kicked off, was “Be Brave – Do Something” I look forward to helping him in some way here in New Zealand, by letting our collective of real media journalists know about this, and seeing what kind of “interesting discussions” we can unearthed by encouraging key persons in power in the land of the sheep to stand apart from the herd. As a side note, don’t expect much more from Project Veritas. The board of directors did what they thought they had to do. Who knows how they were pressured – what threats they received. Notice, I’m not bothering to put their hyperlink in this piece.

James’ catchy video below features a black car and a sandwich which were, according to O’keefe, the flimsy reasons for his firing at Project Veritas.

Also see: James O’keefe cuts it up with Russell Brand.
and his Farcebook page

By the way, his new tagline is “Truth. Justice. Impact.” He’s a smart guy. But it doesn’t take rocket science to see we need to be organized, and do something.
He’s looking for an army of journalists to go undercover. Who’s up for it?