Archive for the ‘Holistic Living’ Category

Tucker Carlson Interviews Trudeau’s Brother


Few people know Justin Trudeau better than his own brother. Here’s what he, Kyle Kemper, says about him.

From the interview transcript:
“Most people in Western countries and the United States and Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, etc., most people who lived in those countries two years ago got the Covid vaccine. That’s just a fact. And maybe because of that fact, very few people want to talk about what that was, not just what the vaccine itself was and what it may do to the human body and the human brain. Those are worthy conversations, important conversation, necessary conversations, ignored conversations. But the bigger conversation is why were governments across the West pulling out all stops to force people to take this compound that they called a vaccine? What was this and what did we learn about the motives and the aims of those governments by their behavior around the vaccine? What did we learn?”

You can see the full interview here:


Reality Check Radio: Off-Aire, Watch Full Story


Our favorite* New Zealand radio station is off-air. It’s time we consider what it will look like without RCR in our daily lives. I know I’ve taken the online streaming station a bit for granted financially. I’m still working on plans to have a micro FM transmitter broadcasting from here at Mountain Spirit, so we can’t them be off the air.

I’ve pulled a quote from friend Roy Champtaloup who makes the plea better than I:
RCR is an absolute treasure trove of important, fascinating facts via the free speech of its excellent guests. It is not mainstream lies that hoodwinks & scares our beautiful trusting population into submission and compliance. Please donate & support this outstanding vital media organisation today. I respectfully recommend committing to a monthly amount. Do you agree access to all these amazing real ‘experts’ and their truthful facts is worth at least $1/day ($30/month)? .. maybe $2/day ($60/month) maybe not even the cost of a coffee a day $5 … ie $150/month) ? or even more? Please contribute whatever you can …. starting now. We need to keep free speech alive. Our grandchildren are depending on us. We can’t let them down.

Author’s Note: * Yeah, I know. I have to use it once in a while. “Favourite” is still cool, but I am a Yankee too.

Film: River of Freedom Goes Online


This amazing film tells the real story of what really happened during New Zealand’s convoy to Wellington New Zealand’s parliament grounds, and the ensuing protest against mandating those who chose body autonomy. Good work crew! You’ve taken New Zealand by storm. In a recent poll, it was discovered that 30% of the New Zealander’s polled were in favor of the spontaneous convoy of which my family were a part. It was a great homeschooling opportunity. My son got a good education on democracy in action and how the legacy media omits and obfuscates the truth. You can see the film online here.
Special thanks to Meagan (yellow dress) and Director, Gaylene Barnes, (pictured in center) members of our New Zealand Media Collective, for all the work you did getting this film out into theatres and online. Thanks also to the others pictured above.

The Alex Jones Interview, with Tucker Carlson


I had been listening to Alex Jones on shortwave radio, before he was on the internet, maybe before there was internet. Watch this interview, and you will learn something. It even may be your gateway to the truth. Although I’ve written about this before, it’s worth repeating, that caustic characters, (which at times, Jones can be) in retrospect, weren’t caustic enough. People like Edward Brown in NH, the late William Cooper and Jones, were and are simply trying to slap us out of our hypnotized stupor. Ed Brown actually said to my face, before he was locked up and they threw away the key, “It’s all very nice that you’re researching the truth, and treating it as “a hobby” (which I did until a few years ago), “But what are you actually doing about the situation we now find ourselves in?” I took offence to this side-arm toting stalwart’s comment. But in retrospect, he had a point. Now I respectfully say what’s on my mind, because I have just as much right to do so as anyone. I’m also doing more, which I’ll share in another post soon, but for now….

Tucker Carlson’s intro transcript:
“We have a ruling class in the United States defined by its hatreds. Not its loves, not its hopes, but by its hatreds. They hate all kinds of people, large groups of people: the deplorables, the bitter clingers, America’s entire blue-collar population, the unfashionable people. They’re hated by the people who run our country.

But no one is hated more by them than a man called Alex Jones. Alex Jones is the single-most-censored man in all American history. He was the first media figure in our history to be completely erased in one day. De-platformed. Alex Jones was de-platformed before it was a common term. And not just de-platformed — sued, attacked. They attempted to criminally charge him.

It’s worth a watch. It’s important.

What did Alex Jones do wrong? Alex Jones didn’t rape anybody. He didn’t loot Macy’s. He didn’t burn a police station. He didn’t invent a fake cryptocurrency and loot pension funds. He didn’t start a pointless war that made this country poorer and more disorganized. He didn’t open the southern border. No. Alex Jones had opinions that deeply rattled the people who run America. In fact, rattled a lot of us.

And I’ll just confess that I first heard of Alex Jones when he questioned the official story behind 9/11. And I, speaking for myself, was deeply offended by this. I didn’t take any time to find out what he was saying, but I was bothered by the idea that this defining event in American history, which changed the life of everyone who lived here then, might not actually have unfolded as we were told it did. And that possibility was too destabilizing. And I remember feeling resentment toward Alex Jones for saying that.

But several years later, I went up in Austin, Texas, and through a chain of circumstances, wound up meeting Alex Jones. And I learned what everyone who has met him now knows, which is Alex Jones is not a crazy person. Alex Jones has said pretty far out things on TV from time to time. Not that far out. He hasn’t said men can become women or Ukraine is a democracy. But within the bounds of, say, cable news, pretty far out.

But fundamentally, Alex Jones is right about a lot of things. And, in fact, that’s why they don’t like him. Alex Jones has an uncanny, really an amazing ability to predict events before they happen. He has called it and he’s done it on tape again and again, to the point where it’s a meme on the Internet. “Alex Jones prophet,” not conspiracy nut, prophet. But when you dig into Alex Jones’s predictions, they are so spot-on that it’s remarkable.

How does he do this? We’re guessing there’s a kind of spiritual sensitivity to Alex Jones. Maybe that’s his secret. He was displaying this years before the average person in this country even thought about matters like that. Now it’s pretty obvious to most people that the current war going on in this country is taking place in ways you can’t see it most of the time. But ten years ago, people were not thinking that way. Alex Jones was. And so, we thought it’d be interesting to sit down and talk to Alex Jones, the man. He joins us now in our studio.”

Leadership & Staying in the Light


Penny Marie, (NZ)more than a “content provider”. She’s a strong women with a tempered steel forged by challenges, based in New Zealand. She comes from a communications and marketing background but has turned to use her talents not only in posting some amazing blogs, but starting an important initiative called Let Kids Be Kids. She’s passionate about truth-telling but in a centered heart-space way with no compromise. Her words of wisdom help remind us to stay compassionate in a troubling world of divergent paradigms. Only through love will change for the better happen. I particularly love a couple of her statements in this interview, One simple truth is “someone’s entry point to the truth can be from most any topic, and secondly, not to be judgmental of our fellow human beings. She was recently interviewed on the Jim Ferguson Show (UK). She’s a woman with vision born of this historic time.

Penny Marie interview w/Jim Ferguson

Reuniting and Healing: Overcoming Family Divisions in the Wake of Vaccine Mandates

It was a profound and stirring moment to engage in a deep conversation with Penny Marie from New Zealand, a passionate voice associated with the United Free Press. Our discussion unveiled the alarming issues plaguing mainstream media – their complicity in masking corruption and their blatant disregard for the truth. Read the rest of this story and go to the interview here:

Micro-FM Radio: The End Run ’round MSM


By Randall Richards, Mountain Spirit Media

Former University community radio host Jay Barnett and I have been putting our heads together for the past year on how to create a local radio station where we could re-broadcast interviews and internet content onto the FM band here in Wanaka, New Zealand. In effect, our goal has been, to do an end-run around the mainstream media’s iron grip on free speech, and their constant barrage of “The Single Source of Truth” narrative.

Enter Reality Check Radio, a recent initiative by Voices for Freedom. “RCR” has a great line-up of experienced, seasoned professional media anchors and interviewers as well as young gun content providers on the front lines of New Zealand’s information war.  Of course, hearing great interviews with guests from all over the world, informed and intelligent interviewees is great for the converted, but how do we get the messages out beyond the echo chamber?

Citizen Low Power FM (LPFM) Radio is just that. It’s one very effective way to reach that 35% of fence-sitters, who once hear the truth will recognize it when they hear it, and be drawn to hear more. They can smell it.
How does it work? It’s easy, legal, inexpensive and easy to set up.
There a few ground rules though:
– Choose from within a range of FM frequency bands allocated for local community radio on either the bottom or top end of the FM band.
– Don’t use a frequency that’s already being used. Refer to the online resource that shows what local community operators are already broadcasting in your area, and avoid using that frequency, Simply choose another one that is free within the allowed spectrum.
– Have an announcement hourly that states the operator’s name and contact info (in this case of re-broadcasting a streamed interview from Reality Check Radio or the like, that’s taken care of as it’s usually embedded in the interview somewhere.
– Use a wattage on your transmitter that’s no more than 1 to 1.5 watts in power.
That’s about it.
But how does this work?

Jay Barnett runs through the basics of LPFM

The theme of this article is  “See one, do one”. The purpose is to give you enough information to purchase the needed gear and easily set up your own low power FM station in your house or even outside on a hill top. The linear range of these units are “line of sight” averaging between 5-10km depending your location and that of the antenna. Since the range isn’t huge, it’s important to find the highest ground or in our case, we may put one our moored boat with a battery pack. Currently the community station we’ve just fired up is in someone’s home, but we’re working on improving the antenna set-up for better coverage. By setting it up on the roof with a coaxial extension cord we should see better results. But the important thing is we’re live!

Pirate Radio? Nah, it’s all legal. The Lego pirate ship just happened to be there on the shelf next to the transmitter. Ha!

Simple setup streaming from the internet onto a tablet, phone, or computer, plugged into the small FM transmitter

Closeup of transmitter, which also has a direct line-in for a mic. The tablet plugs into the AUX

So what’s needed? Below are some links to the basics including a review of what to buy and what to avoid in FM transmitters. We’ll be most likely installing one in our house, (once I check with the rest of the family, of course) with a roof-top antenna of some sort. Because of our location, we’ll have great reach of the Hawea Valley, but won’t interfere with the main town’s transmitter so we’ll stick with 107fm here at Mountain Spirit

Simple hookup of the transmitter on a bookshelf.

Ok, here’s the fine print from the NZ Government’s Radio Spectrum Management page on low power FM broadcasting which confirms what Jay has shared about the parameters one needs to follow. The Radio Heritage Foundation’s page on Low Power FM stations, (LPFM) was a list of who’s on what frequency in your town. The LPFM Society of NZ seems like a great site for resources and to help further the cause of community broadcasting and transmitting.

Lastly here are some links provided by Jay on where and what to purchase in order to get your own community station going, so you can re-broadcast Realty Check Radio, your own content, or that which you pick off the internet.

Caption FM Dipole Antenna High Gain Outdoor Antenna

Jay writes: “Here is a full kit. I think this transmitter is much better quality than mine and for a bit extra money.” FM Radio Transmitter Long Range And GP-2 Antenna with Cable Completed Kit

Screenshot of Voices for Freedom’s landing page, featuring a cool promo shot for Realty Check Radio . NOTE: Neither the author nor Mountain Spirit Media are affiliated with VFF nor RCR. This screenshot is included under the “publish first edit later/asking forgiveness easier than getting permission” principle.

Thanks to Jay Barnett for his hours of volunteer work, co-facilitating the occasional workshop with me on, not only LPFM, but emergency preparedness talks on Walkie Talkies and VHF radios, and for providing the guts of this article through messages and discussions. Here’s Jay showing the basic LPFM setup of tablet plugged into the small FM transmitter

Thanks also to Gerry Pyves for his leadership as local Wanaka VFF Coordinator over the past difficult year and a half, through mandates and lockdowns, and his good natured approach and enthusiasm for LPFM. He recently passed the torch of VFF leadership in Wanaka on to a wonderful new coordinator.
For more info on the author head over to

Update: Sept 2023:
We’ve temporarily set up this FM unit in Hawea, New Zealand, about 15min from Wanaka, with a few minor tweaks from when this article was originally written:

We’ve added a Logitech Bluetooth Adapter as an interface between the phone/tablet and the FM transmitter. It is normally used to allow you to receive live streaming, but in this case we’re using it to transmit the live stream. Notice also the antenna is not attached to the transmitter. We’ve introduced an 5m/15′ coax cable to the extend the antenna to be cable-tied outside the house, giving us much better range and coverage.

This way, the phone can be anywhere in the house, in this case on my bedside table, taking a charge and out of the way of the transmitter in another room. Any guesses as to what the little device is next to the phone? Like my choice of night-time reading?
A couple of recent important notes from Jay:
1. Be sure to turn plug the antenna into the transmitter before turning on power. Otherwise you can damage the unit.
2. Plug the input cable coming from the phone/tablet into the AUX not the MIC.
3. Adjust the output volume on the unit by using an FM radio and referencing the volume compared to other stations and see where your levels compare to theirs.

Note: This blog post was mistakenly taken down on 20230918 and I’ve had to reconstruct it and repost under a different url. Thanks to the Wayback Machine, I was able to retrieve all the text and images.
Sorry for any inconvenience. Randall

What’s Wrong With This Picture?


The Dynamic Duo – Masters of the Biodynamic


Gill  and Peter Bacchus are masters of their craft, Biodynamics, and I was lucky enough to spend a bit of time chatting with them after their recent workshop, held in Cromwell, New Zealand. These two are well-educated and switched on to life. They’re also in tune with the how important our relationship is with the planets, stars, earth, and the food we put into our bodies. Gill is the author of “Love Your Veges” [ed: “Veggies” for you Yanks] and Peter has authored “Biodynamic Pasture Management”. with the subtitle Balancing Fertility, Life and Energy.

YOUR FOOD SUPPLY #32: The Dynamic Duo Note: (This video series started 13 years ago, while listening to the audio version of the book, The Omnivore’s Dilemma, when Amanda and I were driving across the U.S. and were seeing the effects of industrial farming in real time while listening to the book. Here’s that first entry Your Food Supply #1 To see the whole series, click on the category “Your Food Supply” in the category section of this blog on the right of your screen.

What struck me was, not only how informed Gill and Peter were when giving their workshop and interview, but how passionate they are about “the parts related to the whole” (physically, spiritually, with the plant kingdom, and universe) , and how we are all interconnected. I also appreciated Peter’s awareness of the bigger picture when it comes to globalist and government overreach. He’s clued in. 

Gill has a long practical experience of organic vegetable and herb growing, and learning to choose a vegetable-based diet to manage health issues. She has helped children create school gardens, grow and cook vegetables and helped create community gardens. Gill has a masters in science in Soil Science and Human Nutrition and is also the author of Food Full of Life. 
Peter was raised on a biodynamic dairy farm and later worked as a medicinal herb grower, developing large-scale composting business. He consults widely and has held leadership position in biodynamic farming organizations. The two live near Thames on the north island of New Zealand. They can be reached at and
Although they do have a web domain, their website isn’t up and running at the moment, however here’s Gill’s Facebook page.

This year’s workshop was held at Valda Muller’s Organic New Zealand Nuts walnut farm where Valda guided the workshop participants on a walk-around of her property, which is virtually all biodynamic. The workshop was created and managed by Su Hoskins, who is also has an amazing grasp of organic and biodynamic farming, who we’ll interview soon. Sue recently hosted the two-day workshop where the first day was near Wanaka, and the second at Valda’s in Cromwell. You can learn more about Sue on her Facebook page.

If you get a chance, read their books, and if you’re in New Zealand, by all means, attend one of their, and Sue’s workshops.

May You Live in Interesting Times, and Stay Centered


We Are Many, They Are Few


Chris Vleck has created a powerful statement in this short video. It’s very inspiring.

You can learn more at a few of these sites:
Reignite Freedom
NZ Rising
Voices for Freedom