Posts Tagged ‘Mountain Spirit Media’

See Jim Breuer, Please. And about that 5g Tower in Your Backyard

In a Melbourne Men’s Bathroom

I saw this sticker in a Melbourne bathroom yesterday, and felt oblidged to enlighten people who might be standing at the urinal sending them to Jim Breuer’s “Somebody Had to Say it“.  He covers social distancing quite well in his standup.


Truth and Lies, Time for Feedback


By Randall Richards

I thought I’d take the opportunity to share the feedback form I just completed for the Aspiring Conversation’s “Truth and Lies” event last 6th of April here in Wanaka, NZ. The only thing I screwed up, that I can see, is I failed to capture the screenshot of questions 9 and 10 on this feedback form. So I recreated the that screen shot the best I could, otherwise it’s all from their SurveyMonkey form.

In Your Face 5G


The once small town of Wanaka, NZ has a new 5g tower today. Although it’s not been advertised, they rolled out 5G throughout the South Island a few years ago. Nevertheless it was  a shock to see the new health-corroding tower being erected smack in front of a popular cafe, corner store, restaurant and pub complex

When I approached the workers asking them if it was indeed 5G technology, they confirmed it was.  I then queried, “Do you guys know that these towers create health problems?” Their response was, “Hey mate, we’re just doing our job. It’s not our decision”.  Does that sound familiar? What era comes to mind?

This tower is massive, with tons of technology aboard. There also happens to be additional technology installed just down the road, on street lights: real-time CCTV, and heat sensoring monitors in the name of safety (fire). It sure feels good to be safe, doesn’t it?

Hi Tech for your safety and convenience, but not your health.
The nearby cafe will certainly have “roasted” coffee from now on.

This sort of construction, right in the midst of a highly populated and active area of town is completely diabolical. I’ll admit I’m not informed on the decision making process on how these things come to be, but it’s madness. There are crazies at the helm of a ship of fools.  Just don’t eat the food at Albert Town anymore, it will be “over-cooked”.

Dr. Peter Canaday: Champion of Medical Integrity, Victim of Institutional Injustice


By Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
“This may be the most important interview I’ve conducted thus far, not least because it exposes the rank corruption and failure of the institutions meant to protect the public here in New Zealand — in this case the Medical Council of New Zealand and the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal — and demonstrates the courage of a doctor who stood up from the beginning and applied critical thinking and foundational medical principles to the covid juggernaut, risking his career for freedom of speech, open discourse, foundational medical principles and the public’s right to information outside establishment media outlets.

Please join me for a conversation, my second, with the highly accomplished and courageous Dr. Peter Canaday, recorded on 5 February 2024. It is unedited and unrehearsed. Feel free to share far and wide.

Editor’s Notes: 

There are some substantial supporting documents, including Dr. Canaday’s Biography, Brief of Evidence for the HPDT, Dr. Canaday’s Closing Submission for the HPDT, Dr. Canaday’s Documents and Presentations, all available on the image link above or here.

For a more detailed summary on Dr. Garcia’s post, including the text of the decision by the Medical Council of New Zealand and the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal click here.

For those who know Dr. Canaday, they will agree – his character and integrity is of the highest degree. In addition, I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of an debate with him. He’s one smart guy.
It’s only a matter of time before it becomes clear that Dr. Canaday is on the right side of history. Bravo, Dr. Canaday, for standing up for what you know is right, and for the self-evident truth.

Peter also included this in a recent email, which I thought I’d add here:
“To all,
In the event you may be interested in what I was doing in the late stage of my career in NZ, my friend and colleague has chronicled it in several of his ongoing Substack posts. For those who haven’t known about the abject corruption within organized medicine, this may be a bit of a wake-up call. It affects us all, not just in New Zealand.”

I posted this comment on FB today:
“Good on you Peter, We in New Zealand are very proud of you for acting for what you know is right. Your standing up early in the game, with your Fireside Chats on Reality Check Radio, gave those of us mandated out of many places, solid information and encouragement. The truth will come out to everyone in time. It takes guts to put your head above the parapet in the early days. But then, as you probably agree, what other choice do you have?

Vaccination Centres “Did Well” During Covid


This list, a result of of an OIA request, is a partial list of clinics, medical centres and pharmacies nationwide in New Zealand who were paid out for their services. Since I live in Otago on the New Zealand’s South Island, I’ve highlighted some, but not all of the more prominent centres, and their payouts for administering the injection. It looks like it paid very well.

Liz Gunn updates on Barry Young/Data Release


Lawyer/Investigative Journalist Who Exposed COVID Shots Causing Mass Death in New Zealand Gives Major Update

Lizz Gunn of NZ Loyal, shares updates on data release of NZ’s own Assange, Barry Young.

Liz Gunn joins The Alex Jones Show with guest Steve Kirsch to give major updates after Barry Young was arrested for blowing the whistle on mass deaths following COVID shots in New Zealand.

See the vids here.

Tom Renz & Tucker Carlson Call it Straight


By Randall Richards
If you don’t listen to anything else but these two people speak this week, and also share, you’re doing a good thing. Listen to the ad-free the audio file below:
Tom Renz is a prominent U.S. attorney, political commentator, educator and businessman. He has gained national attention for his work challenging the pandemic related policies and mandates as well as advocation for individual liberties, medical freedom and informed choice.

Tom Renz on Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson speaking recently. Both are incredibly powerful deliveries which are on audio file below.

Tucker Carlson who was recently fired from Fox News as a news-show host, because his views didn’t fit the narrative, now has a feed on Twitter/X.
Renz was a recent guest on the Alex Jones Show. On that same episode, Jones also played the audio version of Carlson’s recent speech.
These are two audio files you might want to share with anyone awake, to help them with a sense of perspective, to semi-awake people to help them over the fence, and even to those asleep as a Red Pill.

River of Freedom Documentary Goes Online


River of Freedom, directed by Gaylene Barnes, has made quite a showing here in New Zealand despite attempts of the film being sidelined by the mainstream press. The team has done a remarkable job getting the films in theatres throughout the country opening to big sold-out audiences in towns large and small. The music in the film features many New Zealand musicians as well as Eric Clapton. My hat’s off to Gaylene and her team. I received this email announcement this morning and thought I’d share it directly:

– – –

We’re so pleased with the success of RIVER OF FREEDOM, which screened in 54 New Zealand cinemas over the past 10 weeks. The feedback has been wonderful! 🥰

If you have been following our social media, you will have noticed that we’ve been inundated with requests from people, here and abroad, wanting to watch the film at home – “Probably the best documentary I’ve ever seen. Very well made and every kiwi should watch it. And yes to buying it digitally or DVD so can play it to family and friends.”

Well, we have an exciting announcement to share…
🎙️ We have an online distributor!!
Journeyman Pictures, a UK-based film distribution company, will be releasing our film online worldwide. Journeyman looks for “the best in factual production”, priding themselves on their collection of films from “award-winning independent filmmakers”.
You and your whānau everywhere can stream
RIVER OF FREEDOM online from mid-December!!!
For more than two decades, Journeyman Pictures have distributed provocative, profound and original factual content, working with the top players in the industry. They pride themselves on the longevity of the documentaries they distribute. We are thrilled to align with this supportive distribution company! They have almost 2.3 million followers, so our reach will be massive. We are encouraged and excited to bring our story of the New Zealand Convoy and Parliament protest to the rest of the world in a few weeks.

From cinemas to online release…
Just to give you a bit of an idea about why it’s taking so long… The Captions take time to transcribe. Lots of time – there’s almost FOUR THOUSAND of them 😵‍💫 with some captions needing translation for our international audience. Kia ora whānau, haere mai, and kotahitanga are just a few! We need to capture all the details for our deaf and hard-of-hearing audiences – cheers, boos, and don’t forget all that honking! Don’t get us started on the rest of the deliverables required 😬 as they say, this is definitely a Labour of Love! ❤️

We have kept the film mostly the same as what we enjoyed in the cinemas, with only a few trims and re-edits in order to expedite the release as fast as possible, and not have to sit back in edit suites and sound mix suites for another three months.

Please reach out to your international friends! And if you have any media or influencer contacts who may be interested in promoting this story? Please let them know. So many people overseas have no idea what happened to us here in New Zealand.
…then Blu-ray for you to share with friends!
We are also working as hard as we can to get this film on Blu-ray and DVD. Once we’ve released online, we’ll be building a hard copy. Director Gaylene Barnes is looking forward to editing up some “Special Features” with magical moments from the convoy and protest days that didn’t quite make it into the feature film. Some clips were very hard to lose, but we couldn’t have a 6hr film (original rough cut!). Can’t wait to see these extra little gems 🫶
Help support our mahi!
A huge amount of work went into finishing this documentary and getting it into cinemas. Thank you to all of our supporters! Without you, this would not have been possible.

Our box office sales have been great, and we are nearly able to pay back some deferred fees and most of our major expenses, thank goodness. If you are able to support our work, please head to ☕️ primarily to help pay for the expenses of the Blu-ray, DVD and as well a book! We have an amazing writer onboard who is writing up this story plus there is so much more to this story!

Please support our graphic artist who has designed and printed up our merch. Who wouldn’t love a 🎁 bucket hat and tote bag for the summer festival season! Thanks Helen, our Joy Gypsy, @ for making these!
🇳🇿 🚛 🦆
Fast track the Blu-ray
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Please follow us on all our platforms and share share SHARE!
Tag us: #RiverofFreedom
Ngā mihi nui! Thanks so very much!

Meet Kevin Millard, A Humble But Strong Man


I’ve been wanting to repost this image more than any, since my content was taken down at the Wellington protest against mandates. Even before the convoy, before the protests, before the lockdowns, Keven Millard was bucking the system. And this image of him in his store with no mask on, sticks with me to this day. Of all the interviews I did in Wellington and on the Convoy, this stays with me, because Kevin lives in a very, very small town in Southern New Zealand: Tokanui. And it’s often said, “You stand out more in a small town when you stand up”. But Kevin wasn’t afraid, early in the game to stand his ground. After numerous visits from the police he still refused to wear a mask or require his customers to put them on. He basically said, “Screw ’em if they don’t like my choice.” 
I remember the very first day I decided to stop wearing the face diaper. It was also very early on in the game. I was shaking in my boots, In fact a wrote a line in a song about it. So here’s Kevin at his Tokanui Food Centre, doing was he does best, being him. 

Notice the facemask exemption sign posted behind him. We had some good chats while my family and I stayed in the Catlins 
The food at Kevn’s place is basic Southern Fare, but the reading material is excellent, 5 stars.

Watch Out “Mainstream” Media, Here’s someone with a mission saying, ‘It’s time to find our voices’


By Randall Richards, Mountain Spirit Media
Penny Marie, a motivated mother and “new journalist”, with a marketing background, is making the rounds on New Zealand’s South Island for a two-week whistle-stop tour, called “Finding Your Brave”. She recently spoke in Cromwell in Central Otago, to an attentive crowd of locals interested in preventing government overreach.

Penny of Voice Media is also a fellow member of The New Zealand Media Collective , United Free Press and Free Speech Union of New Zealand

Her main advice, “Show up at a school board or regional council meeting as an ally”. To warm the waters, she starts out with a traditional Maori introduction, called a “Pepeha” as part of one’s “mihimihi” or story or personal history. “It’s a wonderful way to put context of who you are, and your connection to people and place. That immediately allows a more relaxed sense of communication between parties”, said Marie. She then presents issues in a non-confrontational way. “If they don’t listen”, she says “Then go run your own meeting somewhere else”.

Her address to her local school board of trustees, was delivered in an honorable, but firm way. She asked for a response within a month. Finally, she said, “giving them a timeframe to reply is important, and if none is forthcoming, then go back for another request”.  

Penny Marie is a passionate and strong “stand and deliver” speaker. There were more than one “note-taker” in the group.

Although Penny’s talk covers the broad subject of standing tall, she’s particularly been fired up by the recent so-called curriculum refresh and more specifically modifications to sex education aimed at our young children, not only in New Zealand but worldwide. 

As a recent example, our local Liger Leadership Academy, a private high school in Queenstown recently arranged for the organisa7on ‘Inside Out’ who are sponsored by the government to deliver a presentation to their students as part of the their Healthy Citizens curriculum. After a number of
parents raised concern and asked for more information about what would be presented to their
children, the school was receptive and arranged for ‘Inside Out’ to meet and present to parents first
which provided an opportunity for parents to ask questions directly to the presenter from Inside Out.
As a result, numerous parents chose to opt their children out of the presentation which is their legal
right and the school arranged for these children to participate in alternative activities.

As a side note, I did a quick overview of Liger, a relatively new private school in the area, and it looks like it’s based on some great experiential educational principles not found in the public system, plus it emphasizes a strong scholarship program for parents who find the $15,000 per annum tuition load a challenge.  

Penny stated, “Before these presentations most, if not all board members, teachers and most parents aren’t aware of the sexualtiy edcuation curriculum being imposed in their schools”. adding, Parents are so busy working and maintaining home-life they’re often unaware of what’s being presented”.  To make matters worse, either by design or for simplicity, unfortunately, the privacy act in New Zealand appears to be misused.” There is little support for young people who want an even and balanced perspective on these big matters. Penny sees a need to create a network of people to help those in need of support who are currently in the educational system. If people are wanting to help develop a network get in touch with her at She listed off a number of website links, and suggested people look into the story of Chloe Cole told on the Family First website, and Walt Meyer’s advice to those thinking of transitioning on the website. In short, Penny is asking parents, teachers and boards to not only re-think “gender education” but to take a step back and take hands off our kids in this regards. see and for more on this.

Craig Rizzi, (L), Wanaka Voices for Freedom Coordinator, Deane Craft and others from Central Otago, have a long-table discussion before Penny’s talk in Cromwell

Penny’s other mission while on her tour is to encourage local community members to form local media content groups whether online and/or in print. If this interests you, get in touch Penny at She has recently been helping promote New Zealand’s own new platform, Voice Media started by Mykeljon Winckel, who goes by Mj. This stand-alone subscription based platform is free for journalists, both professional and amateurs, to join, but asks readers to sign up for an subscription before gaining access to the site’s contributors and their content. As Mj puts it “Voice Media is publicly funded free speech platform as opposed to the tax paying tyrannical corporate media. It’s the Noah’s arc of free speech”.

I have started a channel on Voice Media, as has Penny, and I also encourage not only local community groups to get on board but other professionals as well by contacting Penny. The beauty of the platform is it’s  safe haven for one’s content. Unlike YouTube or Facebook, one’s work won’t get censored off the internet.

As if in perfect synchronicity, Penny has also been asked to coordinate Kerry Murray’s United Free Press’ Austria- New Zealand’s media community. UFP, we hope, will replace the globalists’ mouthpieces like United Press International, AP, and Reuters. (I used to work for UPI back in the day, but no more).
Penny will be encouraging local reporters and content providers to become accredited members of United Free Press, by applying to be a member and abiding by UFP’s code of ethics. Penny also recently joined the Free Speech Union of New Zealand which she encourages others to look into.

The prevailing current of thought, influence, or activity.
The prevailing opinion or practise.
That which is common; the norm.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition

The idea is to do an end run around, what I used to call, the Mainstream Media. I don’t call them that anymore, because it’s becoming obvious they’re no longer the mainstream. I also don’t like “Legacy Media” which some use, but prefer “Dinosaur Media” instead as it more accurately depicts their current status. I’m about to do another piece on the sea-change happening daily where big new media events are changing the landscape faster than anyone expected. It’s the “wild-west of communications”. My professors, nor anyone else could have predicted, when I took my university courses in communications and public relations in the early ‘80’s that we’d see such cool changes happening in real time. It’s an interesting time to be alive. Keep an eye on Penny Marie. She’s not in this for the glory, rather because she’s passionate about getting the truth out, in an open-hearted way based on compassion. And most likely she’ll pull it off on a global scale with her knack of tapping into the synchronicity of connecting people, Voice Media and United Free Press. I wish her God’s speed on her journey, and look forward to seeing where this leads. I plan on being there every step of the way.

It was so fulfilling to see our own soft-spoken, but powerful Bev Reynolds connect with Penny Marie at our recent meetup in Cromwell, NZ. Connecting passionate people to share ideas and a common goal is key to waking people up to government overreach.