Posts Tagged ‘cancer’

In Your Face 5G


The once small town of Wanaka, NZ has a new 5g tower today. Although it’s not been advertised, they rolled out 5G throughout the South Island a few years ago. Nevertheless it was  a shock to see the new health-corroding tower being erected smack in front of a popular cafe, corner store, restaurant and pub complex

When I approached the workers asking them if it was indeed 5G technology, they confirmed it was.  I then queried, “Do you guys know that these towers create health problems?” Their response was, “Hey mate, we’re just doing our job. It’s not our decision”.  Does that sound familiar? What era comes to mind?

This tower is massive, with tons of technology aboard. There also happens to be additional technology installed just down the road, on street lights: real-time CCTV, and heat sensoring monitors in the name of safety (fire). It sure feels good to be safe, doesn’t it?

Hi Tech for your safety and convenience, but not your health.
The nearby cafe will certainly have “roasted” coffee from now on.

This sort of construction, right in the midst of a highly populated and active area of town is completely diabolical. I’ll admit I’m not informed on the decision making process on how these things come to be, but it’s madness. There are crazies at the helm of a ship of fools.  Just don’t eat the food at Albert Town anymore, it will be “over-cooked”.

Living Life, When Life is Short


Tom on board his yacht in Bluff, New Zealand

Tom on board his yacht in Bluff, New Zealand

I had the good fortune to meet Tom Shepherd yesterday, here in the little town of Kingston, New Zealand.
Although he won’t admit it, Tom has a remarkable story to tell, which actually isn’t over yet. He’s half way through a “figure-8 circumnavigation” of the North and South Islands of New Zealand – and he’s learning to sail as he goes along. What’s more impressive is he’s approaching his 84th birthday next month, and, he has been diagnosed with cancer. Seven years ago he was given six months to live. Every six months after that, for two years, nothing happened. He finally decided he wasn’t going to sit around to see would happen.  Learn more of his story:

When he sailed in to the docks in Motueka, near Nelson,  people were gathering and walking down the dock to greet him with “You must be Tom Shepherd, the fellow sailing down the coast.”  Word had traveled before his arrival. Since then he’s been interviewed by the Maori Channel here in New Zealand. He was kind enough to grant me the interview (see above), but, half joking, said he was considering going into hiding.

The next leg of his journey would provide an opportunity as a recluse, as he heads from New Zealand’s southern tip into the deep fjords of the the west coast. I want to keep track of this man – who is an inspiration. He’s getting out there and doing something. He’s not posting on Facebook or blogs, he’s just doing it. Tom’s adventure is about being alive as much as it is the uncharted journey on his yacht. It reminds me of the quote by William G.T. Shedd – “A ship is safe in harbor, but that’s not what ships are for.”

Please see the posShepherd, Tomt interview clip, (below) of how Mr. Shepherd “rubbed off” on a bummed out cab driver in the Christchurch area. It’s been said that one of the tenants of a spiritual person is to serve as a fire that helps kindle the soul of another. Tom Shepherd humble, but the results around him seem to be clear. He’s making this place a better world, just by living.

See this great video piece on Maori TV’s Native Affairs about Tom’s Journey