Posts Tagged ‘Fear’

Truth and Lies, Time for Feedback


By Randall Richards

I thought I’d take the opportunity to share the feedback form I just completed for the Aspiring Conversation’s “Truth and Lies” event last 6th of April here in Wanaka, NZ. The only thing I screwed up, that I can see, is I failed to capture the screenshot of questions 9 and 10 on this feedback form. So I recreated the that screen shot the best I could, otherwise it’s all from their SurveyMonkey form.

My Take on Truth & Lies in Wanaka


By Randall Richards
Below is an audio interview done with Paul Brennan of Reality Check Radio here in New Zealand on the shenanigans going on with an event from the Aspiring Conversations part of Festival of Colour. The event was called “Truth and Lies”, a provocative title. My open-minded friends and I are thinking of creating another festival called Festival or Truth, or something like that, to “take a jab” at the organisers.

It seems we could improve on implementing their vision statement which in part, states: to engage our community and captivate individuals from all walks of life.
We’ll do the whole thing, stage, lights, couches, moderator, glasses of water, but we’ll take questions from the audience (no need to email in ahead of time), cameras and recorders will be allowed, and no bag or phones required to checked in at the gate. No barf bags required for this event. Stay tuned.

One thing I didn’t mention is my previous article, which I thought I’d add here, is the need to compassionately, but firmly, hold people responsible for their actions with consequences, legal, social etc.

Barry Young, our wonderful whistleblower on the data of excess deaths (related to the vaccine here in NZ), told me he’d love to “get into the head of these people and see what makes them tick. Why do they think the way they do?” Coincidently, our speaker at NZ Rising tonight was covering just that topic. David Charalambous, founder of Reaching People, He covered a lot of ground on cognitive dissonance, labels, and adaptive unconsciousness. But more on that in another piece.

Author’s Note: Reality Check Radio is currently off-air. They need more of us to donate to keep operations running. We’ll be posting a shortly on this, but for now, see RCR’s video on the situation.

Uncertainty & Fear


Uncertainty, Innovation, and the Alchemy of Fear
From:  It’s not about ideas, it’a about making ideas happen
by Jonathan Fields

Uncertainty..Now What?

The ability to live in the question long enough for genius to emerge is a touchstone of creative success. In fact, a 2008 study published in the Journal of Creative Behavior revealed tolerance for ambiguity to be “significantly and positively related” to creativity.

Explaining the results, lead researcher, Franck Zenasni, argued tolerance for ambiguity “enables individuals to not be satisfied by partial or non-optimal solutions to complex problems. People who tolerate ambiguity may be able to work effectively on a larger set of stimuli or situations, including ambiguous ones, whereas intolerant individuals will avoid or quickly stop treating such information.”

Problem is, with rare exception, when faced with the need to live in the question, most people, creators included, experience anything from unease to abject fear and paralyzing anxiety. And there’s a (more…)