Posts Tagged ‘Alistair Harding’

New Book about Wellington Protest Tells What Really Happened on Parliament Grounds


Freedom Village, The story of the 2022 New Zealand Convoy and Freedom Village Camp at Parliament Grounds

Freedom Village is a new book by Sue Grey and Alan Simmons. It’s the people’s story of the “controversial” 2022 occupation of the New Zealand Parliament grounds. It’s a confronting story of hope, courage, collaboration and determination in the face of abuse of state power.

Grey says of the people who contributed their stories to the book that “The story was in them, and they wanted to get it out to the the public. Creating the book was similar to the energy that was present at the protest, very inspiring.” Grey adding, “Now it’s time to get the story told. I thought I knew the story because I was there, but now I have a fuller picture of what happened, as told from other’s perspectives and experiences who were there.”

People united to reclaim freedoms from government overreach. They soon learned that the real battle line was for control of information, and for the public mind and mood.
The authors were there from the beginning and record this historic event revealing shocking information many would prefer to remain hidden.

This book is a historic record of the 23-day protest camp, and has information, hidden from the public. This publication goes hand-in-hand with other excellent projects in New Zealand, such the films River of Freedom, and We Came here for Freedom, which expose the truth of what really happened at the protest against government overreach and media manipulation at the behest of powerful forces. Much of the untold story would have remained hidden without the startling revelations in this book.

From the book’s website:
“Each generation needs a war, or a Woodstock, to remind us of what it is to be human, the magic of people power and the rewards of finding the courage to step up for humanity. Our Woodstock was the Freedom Village at New Zealand’s Parliament grounds in Wellington for 23 days starting 8 February 2022″.

“Perhaps our most important role is to sprinkle seeds of inspiration, hope, courage, aroha [love] and unity

About the Authors

Sue Grey is a self-employed lawyer who specialises in complex emerging issues. She is also co-leader of NZ Outdoors and Freedom Party and one of New Zealand’s freedom heroes.
Sue has a double major in Biochemistry and Microbiology and RSHDipPHI. Her first career was as a Health Protection Officer where she worked for central government included investigating infectious diseases and contact tracing – perfect training for her to spot the many red flags with the unorthodox Covid response


Alan Simmons lives in Turangi, NZ, and for the last 50 years worked as a full time fishing and hunting guide. The Covid response put an end to international travel and clients and in 2022 he was forced to retire by police thuggery when his hip was fractured in a police action while he was standing on a street corner filming.

Sue suggests you and others request your local library to have their it on their shelves. Or one can donate to their library. Also mention it to your local bookseller.

You can purchase the book here.

Here’s what filmmaker & journalist Alistair Harding (We Came Here for Freedom) has to say about the book:
Sue and Alan have created a book that will be worthy of the very Kiwi descriptor: ‘Taonga’, for our nation’s history.   This book is a treasure because it is a first-hand account in the absence of any true journalism of the time. And so one day this story will be the source material that historians will turn to. Where they will find a vast difference between the voices of the people who were there and the narrative spun by a news media that mostly appeared incapable of any empathy for their fellow New Zealanders who had had their lives destroyed by the vaccine mandates.

Truth & Lies, in Their Own Words


By Randall Richards

The Truth and Lies event held recently in Wanaka, NZ, was a part of the Aspiring Conversation series, under of the greater Festival of Colour event. A number of my free-thinking friends and I attended, and although recording and filming the event was not approved, a good audio copy was captured, and we’ll let you decide for yourself how on-target the speakers were on major issues facing us such as freedom of speech, the internet – platforms such as Telegram, and… Fear. Yes you read that correctly: Fear was a dominent theme we picked up in both presenters and the audience. Barry Young once mentioned that he’d love to be inside their (the panelist’s) head to see what makes them say and think what they do.

Alistair Harding eloguently stated this morning when he was interviewing Roy Chantaloup and me, that the panelests are making a last gasp effort of stating their revelence when it’s clear the OFM, Old Fashioned Media, and the lies it pumps out, are fading into oblivion. It’s not happening fast enough, but it is happening.

Anyway, here’s the audio of that “dialogue” where no Q&A were allowed, nor opposing views.

Another conclusion Alistair, Roy and I came to, was when the day comes that our community hosts a Truth event here in Wanaka, we will certainly invite Kate Hannah, Souixsie Wiles, Kathy Ferguson and Bryon C. Clarke to to have a civil discussion. We are not racists, nor “alt-right” nor conspiracy theororists. We are humans, as they are, seeking a dialogue. We will seek to fulfull the vision statement of which the Festival of Colour, and Aspiring Conversations attempt woefully fell short. This event was a lost opportunity, but there will be more ahead here in Wanaka. Our community will see to it. Please attend when you see the announcement.

Author’s Note: There will be a transcript of this audio track published here soon. Stay tuned.

Where to Begin, At the Beginning I Guess


By Randall Richards
As I’ve written before, all my posted content mysteriously vanished, not only from this Telegram channel the day I left the Parliament protest grounds, but alsomy phone died, and was not able to take a charge, plus all the images were somehow encrypted. The only way to retrieve the data and videos (from many hours of recording interviews and capturing images) of the protest was, to turn the phone back on, which didn’t work. I say the NZ Government did this because, it happened to quite a few other people’s phones who witnessed and recorded uncomfortable truths, both in Wellington, and Melbourne. Also, there was a motive. And it makes reasonable sense that “remote data wiping” is a thing. Not to mention, the government’s intelligence office was right around the corner from the protest grounds. I eventually did get my data, images and vids back, thanks to a whizkid at Fix-it Wanaka. So if you’re ever in the same situation, go see Chris.
Anyway, let’s get back on horse and get this content back up where it belongs, on my outlets.

I’m just going through the early content again, which has been censored. And of course, seeing Alistair Harding’s documentary, We Came Here for Freedom, brings up emotions from being locked out. Maybe re-posting my content is a journey, so that we don’t forget the trauma we faced as a community of un-vaxxed, and a reminder that this can, and most certainly could, happen again.

We often say, “Thank you Covid” for bringing us together. I once heard a great description: When the vaccine came along, the community members, both locally and worldwide were like stalks of corn in a field. The vaccinated seemed to wither in some ways, and not stand as tall. Moreover, those of us who took a stand, seemed to stand taller, straighter, and then we looked around and said, “Oh, there you are!” and a community of awakened came into being, of all walks of life from all over the world.

Here are few shots of the early days, before the NZ convoy that took us New Zealand’s capital for the protest against mandates. I’ve got a story to tell, so pull up a chair for a front row seat. They’ll be plenty of videos and images to come.

A sign preventing entry for the “unwashed” at the local library
Singing my song, “Voices”, inspired by not only Voices for Freedom but the events of our rough-shod group being locked out of our reserved venue for very first VFF meeting. The restaurant is called Urban Grind (sorry no hyperlink) in Wanaka, and I haven’t been back since. Jared Stephan is with me on guitar. See the video of this song in a later post.
Looking back, the ridiculousness of situation, of actually being prevented from entering our own Wanaka town library is both comedic and tragic. Looking at this image, I still can’t believe it happened. We protested more than once at the entrance. See more on this in a later post.

Want a haircut? Sorry, You’ll have to figure yourself out. What? Here, Gerry Pyves, who was later the coordinator for Wanaka Voices for Freedom, is seen here, getting a haircut at one of our first Freedom Markets at Leanne Harding’s Camphill Coffee. Funny enough, as if future-proofing the community, Lone Wolf Hair just joined the compound at Leeane’s with his little barbershop trailer.

Stay tuned for tons more content, and I hope you enjoy the journey.

Randall’s bio’s at
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