Posts Tagged ‘Eco Spiritual Psychology’

Polar Bear Comes in Peace


bear13These images came to my inbox via a friend. I thought I’d post them.  Stewart Brown describes photographer Norbert Rosing’s images of a wild polar bear coming upon tethered sled dogs in northern wilds of Canada’s Hudson Bay.

“The Photographer was sure he was going to see the end of his dogs when the polar bear wandered in, but….”

bear-2I have often read a particular piece written by one, Morgan Hite, to my Outward Bound and MSI students right before they leave a program. It’s called “A Briefing for an Entry into a More Harsh Environment.”
It recaps what the students have learned while in the wilds of the mountains, in snow, sleet and rain, remembering all the hardships, but it also prompts them to reflect on what sanity they can take back to society when they reenter the “real world”. Is asks of my students, what are take aways bear-3from being in such a beautiful,  sometimes unforgiving place where nature seems more in balance.

Somehow these images remind me of  how much of life makes sense in the wild, where animals actually have a natural respect for each other and humans. I feel, in general, safer in these environments, than in our civilized world.  Of course, one has to use one’s head and common sense in the


wilds. Don’t pet the bears.
I’m sure you know what I mean, when I say I feel safer, even though you may not have been out here with the bears.






” As it turned out, the polar bear returned every night that week to play with the dogs.”


robert-norsingThese brilliant images taken by Norbert Rosing. Thanks Norbert for the great work.