Archive for April 10th, 2024

Truth & Lies, in Their Own Words


By Randall Richards

The Truth and Lies event held recently in Wanaka, NZ, was a part of the Aspiring Conversation series, under of the greater Festival of Colour event. A number of my free-thinking friends and I attended, and although recording and filming the event was not approved, a good audio copy was captured, and we’ll let you decide for yourself how on-target the speakers were on major issues facing us such as freedom of speech, the internet – platforms such as Telegram, and… Fear. Yes you read that correctly: Fear was a dominent theme we picked up in both presenters and the audience. Barry Young once mentioned that he’d love to be inside their (the panelist’s) head to see what makes them say and think what they do.

Alistair Harding eloguently stated this morning when he was interviewing Roy Chantaloup and me, that the panelests are making a last gasp effort of stating their revelence when it’s clear the OFM, Old Fashioned Media, and the lies it pumps out, are fading into oblivion. It’s not happening fast enough, but it is happening.

Anyway, here’s the audio of that “dialogue” where no Q&A were allowed, nor opposing views.

Another conclusion Alistair, Roy and I came to, was when the day comes that our community hosts a Truth event here in Wanaka, we will certainly invite Kate Hannah, Souixsie Wiles, Kathy Ferguson and Bryon C. Clarke to to have a civil discussion. We are not racists, nor “alt-right” nor conspiracy theororists. We are humans, as they are, seeking a dialogue. We will seek to fulfull the vision statement of which the Festival of Colour, and Aspiring Conversations attempt woefully fell short. This event was a lost opportunity, but there will be more ahead here in Wanaka. Our community will see to it. Please attend when you see the announcement.

Author’s Note: There will be a transcript of this audio track published here soon. Stay tuned.