Posts Tagged ‘David Korten’

Americans Who Tell the Truth


It's About Time

Dutton has published Americans Who Tell The Truth, the book of the first fifty portraits in this series printed in beautiful color with short biographies and an essay by Robert Shetterly about the intent of the project. The book is suitable for all ages, but its target audience is middle and high school. We have published a free curriculum here on this website for teachers to be able to teach American history through the lives of these people.

This book has won the 2006 award of the International Reading Association for intermediate non-fiction.  The Children’s Book Council has named Americans Who Tell the Truth a 2006 Notable Social Studies Trade Book for Young People. Read more here

David Korten hit a chord with Agenda for a New Economy and its call for abolishing Wall Street. In his new revised and greatly expanded edition, David fleshes out his vision for a replacement—a decentralized economy based on resilient communities, local businesses, and ecological systems.

Greed is Out - Localism, In

Global greed is out. Local sharing is in. The Wall Street system failed us; this book is a great guide as we build the alternatives.

“… our economic crisis is, at its core, a moral crisis. Our economic institutions and rules, even the indicators by which we measure economic performance, consistently place financial values ahead of life values. They are brilliantly effective at making money for rich people. Our children, families, and communities, and natural systems of Earth have paid an intolerable price.”
Read more on Korten at Yes Magazine

The New Economy Starts Here


The New Economy Starts Now
by Sarah van Gelder, Editor Yes Magazine

"Wants Graph" from Yes Magazine

"Wants Graph" from Yes Magazine

As the financial system continues to crumble, a new economy is taking form. It’s an economy that recognizes that the only thing too big to fail is the Earth itself. It is designed to build sustainable wealth in communities and ecosystems, and it’s our best chance to improve prospects for future generations, instead of leaving them with ever-growing debt, conflict, and environmental destruction.

Our Foot Print

Our Foot Print

Politicians, pundits, and financiers defend deepening our national debt to bail out the institutions of a failed Wall Street system. But this system, built on speculation and the rule of money, is undermining the health of the planet and the well-being of all but the wealthiest few.  It’s time to let it go.    Read the rest of this article.

More Articles in The Latest Issue of Yes Magazine

Let Wall Street Go and rebuild a Main Street economy.

Just the Facts: Why we can’t go back to the old economy.
New Ways to Do Money: Made out of Thin Air, How Banks Create Money, Local Cash Currencies
New Ways to Do Finance: Small Banks, Radical Vision, Put your money where your Life is. Community Investment

Yes! Summer'09

Yes! Summer'09

New Ways to Do Work: Green Worker Co-ops, Mondragon Co-op Spain, Cleveland’s Worker-owned Boom
Jump Starting Local Economy: How to make it with less, share more, and put people and the planet first
Busted: 9 Ecomonic Myths: What the old economy didn’t do for us—and what a sustainable economy could do.
Age-Old Wisdom for the New Economy: Native peoples know a few things about surviving, together, through tough times.