Archive for February 11th, 2024

Dr. Peter Canaday: Champion of Medical Integrity, Victim of Institutional Injustice


By Emanuel E. Garcia, M.D.
“This may be the most important interview I’ve conducted thus far, not least because it exposes the rank corruption and failure of the institutions meant to protect the public here in New Zealand — in this case the Medical Council of New Zealand and the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal — and demonstrates the courage of a doctor who stood up from the beginning and applied critical thinking and foundational medical principles to the covid juggernaut, risking his career for freedom of speech, open discourse, foundational medical principles and the public’s right to information outside establishment media outlets.

Please join me for a conversation, my second, with the highly accomplished and courageous Dr. Peter Canaday, recorded on 5 February 2024. It is unedited and unrehearsed. Feel free to share far and wide.

Editor’s Notes: 

There are some substantial supporting documents, including Dr. Canaday’s Biography, Brief of Evidence for the HPDT, Dr. Canaday’s Closing Submission for the HPDT, Dr. Canaday’s Documents and Presentations, all available on the image link above or here.

For a more detailed summary on Dr. Garcia’s post, including the text of the decision by the Medical Council of New Zealand and the Health Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal click here.

For those who know Dr. Canaday, they will agree – his character and integrity is of the highest degree. In addition, I wouldn’t want to be on the wrong side of an debate with him. He’s one smart guy.
It’s only a matter of time before it becomes clear that Dr. Canaday is on the right side of history. Bravo, Dr. Canaday, for standing up for what you know is right, and for the self-evident truth.

Peter also included this in a recent email, which I thought I’d add here:
“To all,
In the event you may be interested in what I was doing in the late stage of my career in NZ, my friend and colleague has chronicled it in several of his ongoing Substack posts. For those who haven’t known about the abject corruption within organized medicine, this may be a bit of a wake-up call. It affects us all, not just in New Zealand.”

I posted this comment on FB today:
“Good on you Peter, We in New Zealand are very proud of you for acting for what you know is right. Your standing up early in the game, with your Fireside Chats on Reality Check Radio, gave those of us mandated out of many places, solid information and encouragement. The truth will come out to everyone in time. It takes guts to put your head above the parapet in the early days. But then, as you probably agree, what other choice do you have?

Vaccination Centres “Did Well” During Covid


This list, a result of of an OIA request, is a partial list of clinics, medical centres and pharmacies nationwide in New Zealand who were paid out for their services. Since I live in Otago on the New Zealand’s South Island, I’ve highlighted some, but not all of the more prominent centres, and their payouts for administering the injection. It looks like it paid very well.